Artificial intelligence company invested by Microsoft launched chat robot ChatGPTTwo months later, the search engine giants couldn't sit still.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai Monday (February 6) released an open letter in person to launch AI (artificial intelligence) chat robot service called "Bard" to face old opponentsMicrosoft.How much attention is "Bard" in Google?It is listed as the highest priority project of the "Code Red", and the two founders of the semi -retired state have been recalled and led to hold a closed -door seminar on how to integrate how to integrate AI and search.

In China, Surging News and other media have learned on Tuesday (7th) from insiders in Baidu that Baidu's largest Chinese search engine Baidu will also end.Baidu's project name is similar to ChatGPT's project names as "Wen Xin Yi's words". The English name Ernie Bot will complete the internal test in March and open to the public.Even at the rumor stage, the capital still directly gave Baidu's stock price a wave of 13%, creating a new high in the past year.

ChatGPT why is it a global fire?

At the end of 2022, ChatGPT was born, setting off a wave of dialogue with artificial intelligence.

It is actually a chat robot.Chat robots are no strangers for many people, but ChatGPT can make dialogue through learning and understanding human language, and can interact according to the context of the chat, and truly chat and communicate like humans.Prior to the launch of ChatGPT, research on natural language lacked essential breakthroughs.Even some scholars believe that cognition and understanding of language is a special talent of human beings. How can machines learn to draw tigers and paint tigers, and lack of true understanding.

ChatGPT is shocked, and answered various questions raised by humans. Its powerful ability to understand natural language makes Tesla founder Musk feel sighy: "Chatgpt is so scary, weNot far from the strong to dangerous AI. "

Musk Twitter praised the powerful features of ChatGPT.(Internet screenshot)

Many technical communities and technical enthusiasts are also constantly exploring the endless possibilities of ChatGPT.For example, some netizens combined their own hobbies: writing, suspense novels and jazz, and asked ChatGPT to write a plot for a suspense novel. In the plot, a murderous detective who lost souls hunted a high IQ sergeine killer, the latter of the latter, the latterHunter to play jazz musicians.

ChatGPT perfectly understood the request of the netizen, and replied: "Detective James Thompson is an experienced veteran of the homicide department, but recently he has been exhausted and frustrated.The famous jazz pianist was murdered. The pianist was found to be brutally killed at home, which deepened Thompson's despair. "

Some merchant users think of asking ChatGPT to reply to her consumerComment.When consumers evaluate: "Food is general, the scenery is good, that's all", ChatGPT replied: "Thank you for your comment. If your dining experience does not meet your expectations, we apologize.The best quality food and services, we will consider your feedback while continuous improvement. Thank you for letting us know your experience. "

Some netizens let ChatGPT participate in the complete SAT (SCHOLELASTIC AsSSESSSESSMENT TEST TEST) Exam, the total score of the exam is 1600 points, and ChatGPT scored 1020 points.According to data from the American University Commission, the 1020 score section is about 52%.

Chatgpt, Scored 1020 points.(Internet)

It is surprising that when the user commands ChatGPT to find a bug of a program, it can not only clearly describe the bug and the reason, but also automatically repair, and write a correct program.A 11 -year -old boy developed a game with the assistance of ChatGPT and has received thousands of users.

In addition, ChatGPT can also be used for translation, email response, documentation, data analysis, picture creation, customer service, code generation and debugging, etc., which triggered ChatGPT instead of programmers, text workers and even evenDiscussion by art creators.

For the fun, discussing, inquiring, and chatting screen social media of ChatGPT, the New York Times, which did not track the ChatGPT news in time, even was ridiculed by technical brothers such as Musk.

TED President Chris Anderson posted a tweet saying, "I am shocked that so far, the New York Times reports ChatGPT's report almost zero, which is undoubtedly the largest scientific and technological innovation this year."Tesla's founder Masca replied to Anderson: "This is because ChatGPT is not a far -left movement. The New York Times should be renamed the Social Justice Times."

The strong opponent of the search engine giant

ChatGPT is so powerful. After the launch, the search engine giants are raised like a needle felt.If ChatGPT can provide users with sufficient accurate content, search engines will naturally be abandoned by users.

At present, there are more and more search engine advertisements, and the results of push to users are increasingly inaccurate.In the past, advertisements will only appear on the head and tail. Now not only increases the number of advertisements on the head and tail, but also ads on the intermediate content page.Taking Baidu as an example, in the search results of some keywords, there are few non -advertising content, and even a few pages to find the results you want.Baidu's third quarter financial report showed that the total revenue was 32.5 billion yuan (RMB), and the online marketing revenue was as high as 18.7 billion yuan. It can be seen that the rich profits brought by online marketing and advertising revenue.

Some analysts believe that compared to search engines such as Baidu, ChatGPT can analyze and learn based on the existing content, so as to give the answer, which is more effective than the search engine that only knows the display content page.Going to the pain brought to users, it may become a strong opponent of a search engine in the future.

Five days after the launch of November 30, 2022, ChatGPT attracted more than 1 million users. After two months of launch, active users are expected to reach 100 million, becoming the fastest growing consumer application in history.EssenceIn contrast, reaching the number of active users of 100 million months, TIKTOK spent about nine months, and Instagram spent two and a half years.Although there are still many thresholds to overcome the ChatGPT to really replace search engines, the fast growth rate and powerful features of their users have brought real pressure to technology giants.

"Chinese version CH"ATGPT" is waiting for the corner?

ChatGPT technology is behind the natural language processing big model technology. Economic Observation Network article writes that these technologies are currently available.Ability.

In terms of research and development funds, Baidu founder Li Yanhong repeatedly mentioned in a public speech: "The cumulative investment in ten years has exceeded 100 billion, of which the proportion of core research and development has exceeded the number of consecutive quarters exceeded more than several quarters.20%."He said around 2017:" Although Baidu's income is not first, the proportion of R & D is definitely the first."

Repeatedly referenced R & D inputs seem to have become a testimony that has become a technical gene and proud of Baidu. However, whether Chinese technology companies can catch up with OpenAI technology, some netizens hold itThe attitude of doubt. In Zhihu's post "There are so many AI majors in China, why there is no ChatGPT in China", netizens have given various reasons, such as different choices of technical routes, Openai has always adhered to the "generation formulaSince the return language model ", China is along the" Bert+Fine Tuning "route. This different technical route has also led to the increasing gap in the back. Other reasons also include financial support, review, human resources and business cultureWait.

It is worth mentioning that some netizens asked ChatGPT directly: "Why is ChatGPT first appeared in the United States, not China?"

ChatGPT gives three reasons. First, the basic technologies of the United States in the field of artificial intelligence are more advanced, such as neural networks and deep learning. These technologies can be used to build large -scale language models, such asChatGPT. China's artificial intelligence research is concentrated in application technology, such as computer vision and voice recognition, it is difficult to develop language models similar to ChatGPT.

Second, American artificial intelligence researchers and institutions between the United States and institutions in the United States and institutionsThe cooperative relationship is relatively loose. Researchers can freely explore different research directions, which has led to more innovation. Chinese artificial intelligence researchers and institutions are closely close. Researchers need to follow the National Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryIn the direction, it is difficult to develop a language model similar to ChatGPT.

Third, the academic atmosphere in the United States is more innovative and cooperative in the field of artificial intelligence. Researchers can freely explore different research directions and have with them with different research directions and withOther institutions or companies cooperate with new technologies. China's academic atmosphere is more rigorous and competitive in the field of artificial intelligence. Researchers need to achieve certain scientific research results to stand out in the competition.At the language model of ChatGPT.

At the AI hot marketing summit last year, Baidu focused on introducing its own AIGC (AI production content) content tools, and said: "In the future, AIGC will subvert the existing content production model, Can achieve one -tenth -tenth cost, with a hundred times and thousands of times of production speed, create content with unique value and independent perspective ".

In the eyes of many investors, ChatGPT has become a subversion of subversionNew springboards and new opportunities in search and other fields. Whether the old generation of technology companies can sail again, whether Chinese technology companies can launch the same excellent products, everyone is running against time to compete for the first answer sheet.