Security experts believe that Chinese balloon suspected of spy activity appears over the United States, which seems to show bold, more aggressive, more aggressive and awkward spy strategy than relying on satellites or stealing industry and defense secrets.Essence

Reuters reported on Friday (February 3) that both China and the United States have used surveillance satellites for decades to monitor each other from the air, but the Chinese balloon incident makes some people in the United States be confused.A White House official said that the Chinese balloon incident did not happen for the first time.

John Bolton, a former White House national security consultant, said: "To some extent, this is more unfamiliar. Is the camera in their satellites not high enough, so that they must not be impossibleDo you do not send a balloon? "

As China enhances its military capabilities and challenges the existence of the United States in the Pacific, the balloon incident has caused a stir.

The United States also believes that China often tries to obtain proprietary information and knowledge from American companies.

China emphasizes that balloon is a civilian nature, used for scientific research such as meteorology, and mistakenly entered the United States. It also accuses some American politicians and media to play to discredit China.

Beijing also refuted the spy accusation earlier, and pointed out that the United States has the Cold War thinking and hype the Chinese threat theory.

Cheng Bin, a senior consultant of the US Institute of Peace, believes that the balloon seems to have intentionally provoking nature.

Cheng Bin said: "This is a way to test the other party's response, and it is not in the military sense. However, how do you deal with it?It has happened many times and it is not the first time. This extends an interesting question. How is the previous result? Have we shot them down? "

(Mike Rounds) told Fox News that it is best to get balloons to see if it is really used to collect data, "it is still used to test our reaction ability."

Andrew Antonio, co -founder of the high -air balloon startup Urban Sky, said that the romance that high -air balloon relies on the long -distance itinerary is in the most unfavorable situation in winter, which means that China may not intend to target the United States.Any specific location.

Antonio said: "To launch a balloon from China in January or February, it is very difficult to achieve a military base in the northern hemisphere."The United States leading may be caused by the failure of the experiment, or its self -end system fails.

The Pentagon also said in a statement that another Chinese balloon was found over Latin America.

The FBI Director Christopher Wray said in 2020 that the biggest long -term threat to American information and intellectual property rights is the threat of anti -love newspaper and economic espionage from China.

China has been accused of being very thorough in the desire to obtain US commercial secrets, so that the Federal Investigation Agency estimated last October that China will launch new anti -love newspapers every 12 hours.

China also accuses the United States engaged in spy activities.

The Pentagon referred to five Chinese ships in 2009, including a naval ship, harassing the US Navy marine monitoring ship "USNS Impeccable" in the international waters near Hainan.China pointed out that the ship did not conduct illegal activities in China's exclusive economic zone without China.