The Korean industry is paying close attention to the suspension of the Chinese government's suspension of South Korean citizens' short -term visas, port visas, and 72/144 hours of transit visa exemption policies.

According to the Yonhap News Agency on Wednesday (January 11), the Korean aviation industry said that due to the impact of the epidemic of crown diseases, the number of flights to and from South China has already shrunk significantly.The influence of the airline will not be too great, but the decrease in passenger demand in the short term is inevitable.This has made cheap airlines that were originally expected to improve their yields this year.

The aviation industry said that although the Chinese national immigration management machine has suspended the issuing visa on South Korean citizens from the 11th and suspended South Korea's 72/144 hours of transit visa exemption policies, the South Korean and China routes are flying.The actual number of passenger flights is relatively small, and most passengers are Chinese citizens, Korean overseas Chinese and international students. The situation of using short -term visas or going to a third country (place) via China is relatively small, and the relevant measures have limited impact, but they will pay close attention to attention, but they will pay close attention to attention.Whether the relevant measures will be long -term.

The car and semiconductor industry also predicts that negative impacts are limited.Taking the Hyundai Automobile Group as an example, because the Chinese legal person in modern automobiles is co -organized with local Chinese companies and local residents have long -term visas, related measures will not have a direct impact.However, in the industry forecast, once related issues are long -term, local work projects will inevitably be affected.Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix, etc. semiconductors in the Chinese production line also believe that there will be no direct impact.Industry insiders say that there is no special solution at the enterprise level and can only observe its changes.

The duty -free shop industry affected by the epidemic is quite worried.Originally expected that China would increase after liberalization of epidemic prevention measures.People in the industry said that if the relationship between the two countries will become cold, China's anti -South Korea's mood is high, which will not be conducive to warming.

South Korean SMEs are also very worried.With the decentralization of China, it is expected that the export of China can quickly adjust and recover, and it is unexpectedly encountering ambush.The South Korean SME Federation originally planned to bring 30 small and medium -sized enterprises to participate in the South China International Oral Exhibition held in Guangzhou at the end of February. However, due to the suspension of visas, most SMEs were difficult to become.

It is reported that the small and medium -sized risk enterprise departments of 13 local and medium -sized risk enterprises in South Korea and the Jeju Export Support Center will operate temporary acceptance service centers from the morning of the 11th to grasp the difficult matters of small and medium -sized enterprises in real time, and discuss support plans with relevant departments.The Ministry of Industry said that it will pay close attention to related trends and cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other departments to understand the problems and difficulties facing enterprises.