Double Festive

At the beginning of 2023, China has allowed the three -year clearing policy to enter history, greatly relaxing border control and restoring foreign exchanges.challenge.

In addition to consolidating the relationship between traditional allies and releasing more kindness to the United States, the new team also focuses on energy diplomacy and affects Australia. It is trying to make Canberra re -consider the military relations that has been continuously upgraded with Japan since October last year.

The new foreign minister Qin Gang launched the first foreign visits after the new performance on Monday (January 9), and visited the five African countries. It is believed that it will further promote the "Belt and Road" strategy in the local area to create business opportunities for Chinese companies to go to sea after the opening of the country.Essence

He also called on Monday with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Monday, affirming that China -Russia's comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership has maintained a high level of development, and he expressed his willingness to maintain close exchanges with Rafrov, continue to hold China -Russia's heads of state at the end of December last year last year.Video meeting and seeking the tone of strategic cooperation between the two countries.

European and American countries stipulate that Chinese passengers must show the negative test of crown disease. The Chinese ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui in an exclusive interview with the Russian official media Tas Society criticized the Western forces to advocate the hype of "the theory of China out of control" and "trying to make rumors slander and discredit" China.Epidemic prevention policy.

Zhang Hanhui praised China and Russia since the outbreak of crown diseases to respond to the threat of "political virus" and hegemonism, saying that China is willing to continue to deepen comprehensive strategic cooperation with Russia, recover personnel in order as soon as possible, and choose to continue to deal with Russia from Russia.Western pressure.

Qin Gang, who stepped down as the Ambassador to the United States, frequently released goodwill to the United States when he took over the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The first call he dialed on New Year's Day, the object is US Secretary of State Brinken.The draft issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not mention that the call was the appointment of Blindken, which meant that it might be Qin Gang's initiative to call Brins.

Qin Gang also pushed the next day to praise the American people's "hard work, enthusiasm and friendship"; on January 5th, he also published signed articles on the Washington Post, saying that promoting the development of Sino -US relations in new posts will still be him.One of the important missions, I believe that Sino -US relations will eventually return to the right way, and release signals that attach great importance to relations with the United States.

However, Sino -US relations have not continued to stabilize the beginning of the year, and the scientific and technological war continues to cover the relationship between the two countries.U.S. President Bayeng also expressed concern about the way Chinese crown disease was treated and supported Chinese passengers for compulsory testing.

The China -US military aircraft met at a close distance over the South China Sea on December 21 last year, causing mutual accordance with each other. The call of the two countries' defense ministers was also canceled on Friday.

Republican House leader McCarthy finally served as Speaker of the House of Representatives last Saturday, and threatened to set up a cross -party committee for China's rise.He led the establishment of the House of Representatives 'New China Affairs Responsibility Committee on Tuesday to respond to many aspects of the United States' composition.

The United States has a high consensus on China's tough stance. Whether McCarthy will follow the step -down speaker Perosi to visit Taiwan last August. This year, this year once again challenged the "red line" set by Beijing in the Taiwan Strait. I believe that it will give the new diplomatic team in ChinaBring a lot of tests.

On the other hand, China has continued to restrict the import of Australian coal for more than two years. Last week, it was reported that it was obviously to attract Australia with economic and trade benefits.The Chinese Ambassador to Australia also reminded that Australia should learn from the lessons of World War II, and keep cautiously on Japan's trust issues.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tian Wenxiong visited Australia in October last year and signed an upgraded version of the security cooperation agreement with Australian Prime Minister Albanis, strengthened defense cooperation, shared sensitive information, and caused China to be alert to the "Quad" (QUAD) and the United States, Britain, AustraliaAUKUS (AUKUS) joined forces to make China.

Xiao Qian also said that "China has always been a friend of you (Australia)" implies that this year may be the "critical stage" of the Sino -Australian relations transfer, and at the same time, it does not criticize the measures taken by Australia's entry into Chinese tourists.

Energy is also an obvious theme since the beginning of China's diplomacy.In addition to Australian coal, when Chinese officials met the Philippines President President Macos on January 4, they stated that they would restart the negotiations between China Sea Oil and Gas Development.The two countries must give priority to expanding natural gas cooperation.

As Zhao Lijian no longer holds a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the "wolf -war" foreign language style that lasts for several years may be adjusted in 2023.However, China announced on Tuesday that a variety of visas to go to China to South Korea and Japanese citizens are still a way of tit -for -tat and tooth to respond to external challenges.

In fact, China's outbreak of the epidemic prevention after the epidemic prevention has tightened the nerves. Some countries have taken restrictions on measures to ensure the people and medical resources of the country.On the contrary, Chinese officials must still learn the world with more powerful scientific data, and at the same time adopt more reasonable ways to make people feel the truly changing diplomatic attitude.