Mainland Chinese military aircraft frequent activities in the Taiwan Strait Airship activitiesMainland official media broadcast video pictures for multi -type fighters such as the PLA Air Force J -20 and J -16 to conduct over -the -sight air combat training in the middle of the night.

The official Weibo of the CCTV National Defense Military Channel issued a document on Monday (January 2), "At 2 am, a trial base of the Air Force started the middle of the night and dawn flight training.The fighter overwhelming kick -off the battle. "

CCTV military distributing video at the same time said that flying at night can easily cause space orientation disorders. Pilots need to focus on the aircraft dynamics at any time.The report quoted Hou Jie, the captain of a flight brigade in a base of the PLA Air Force, said, "At night, the pilot can not see the outline of the entire aircraft, and can only rely on the display of the outside of the aircraft to judge whether it is close or far away. What are the alarms?What direction is alarm. "

The video also said that the attention distribution of pilots at night must be particularly fast, and the tacit understanding of the battlefield between pilots is continuously deepened from training.

said, relative to the PLA pilot, compared to the PLA pilot, for the PLA pilotsSingle -machine combat, the coordinated combat of the dual machine is more important.(Screenshot of CCTV's official Weibo video)

Hong Gujia, a PLA pilot, said, "Compared to stand -alone operations, the collaborative operations of dual machines are more important.Between you, I can answer one by one, and in the end, I only need a word between friends, or even a word, and I can understand his intentions. So as to achieve the effect of 1+1 greater than 2. "

The report also stated that "the air fierce battle is now, and the groundwork of ground planes and stations also runs with time."

The video shows that a J -16 fighter has just returned. The machine soldiers have to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the aircraft and thermal refueling and hot hanging on the case without parking.Compared with the conventional guarantee mode, "thermal guarantee" can improve the displacement of the fighter, and to maximize the time to compress the flight preparation time under the condition that the standard is not reduced.

The report quotes Zhang Wei, deputy squadron of the second squadron team of a base of the PLA Air Force, said that the promotion and implementation of thermal protection can improve the displacement efficiency of the fighter, and re -dispatch preparations without stopping the aircraft engine."Time and heavy tasks. This process must prevent foreign objects from inhaling the engine, but also to avoid the thermoscopy of the engine caused damage to personnel and equipment."

Han Xin, a senior engineer of a certain base of the Air Force, said, "As the leader of the Air Force's strategic transformation, (we) insist on using innovation as the" first drive driving force "of construction and development, and promote the combat effectiveness with scientific and technological innovation to advance the battle."" ".

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense announced on January 1 that 24 secondary PLA military aircraft "New Year" and four warships were running around the Taiwan Strait, of which 15 military aircraft crossed the central line of the Strait.In 2022, more than 2,000 major military aircraft were flying around Taiwan, which exceeded the sum of the previous three years.