Hu Fuming, pioneer in China, died on Monday (January 2) at the age of 87.Hu Fuming is the main author of the 1978 Chinese official media Guangming Daily special commentator articles practice.

According to the Yangtze Evening News, Hu Fuming, a professor at the Department of Philosophy of Nanjing University, died at 6:40 am on the 2nd.

According to reports, Hu Fuming was born in July 1935 and was from Wuxi, Jiangsu.He studied at Peking University in September 1955 and studied in the Philosophy Research Class of Renmin University of China the following year.After graduating in 1962, he taught at the Department of Political Department of Nanjing University (later renamed philosophy). He retired in 2001 and won the Jiangsu Social Sciences famous name.

According to the Party Construction Magazine, in July 1977, Hu Fuming's wife was hospitalized for illness.When accompanied by the night, he brought Mao Zedong selected Mao Zedong to the hospital in the selection of Marx Engels, and a drafted article outline on the chair of the ward corridor.After sleeping, he spell three chairs and lie down for a while, wake up, read, write, and change.Five days later, the wife was discharged, and the outline was roughly written.

According to reports, at the beginning of September, Hu Fuming seized an article about 8,000 words in the standard of testing the truth, and sent it to Guangming Daily.Later, other people participated in the study and revision of this article, which was easy to make the manuscript. As the crystallization of collective wisdom, practice is the only criteria for testing truth.On May 11th, the Guangming Daily was published publicly in the form of a special commentator article. The Xinhua News Agency reposted the full text that day, and the People's Daily Liberation Army News also reprinted the full text the next day.

On December 18, 2018, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the Chinese State Council awarded the title of Hu Fuming's reform pioneer, awarded the Pioneer Medal of Reform, and awarded the representative of the discussion on the issue of truth standards.On September 25, 2019, Hu Fuming won the personal title of the most beautiful struggle.On October 18, 2020, Hu Fuming won the highest contribution award at the Department of Philosophy of Nanjing University.