The intensity of the virus intensity after the increase in Chinese crown disease cases increased greatly.With concerns, Jiao Yahui, director of the Medical and Political Department of the National Health and Health Commission of China, said that crown disease is indeed not a large cold, but it can be cured quickly after treatment.She also pointed out that the emergency and severe peaks that are currently undergoing different cities may be the most difficult period, which is a "very hard battle" for medical staff.

When Jiao Yahui accepted an exclusive interview with China CCTV face -to -face program, it was said that the crown disease reflected the crown disease from the "large cold" after the people's infection, and the crown disease was indeed not a large cold.She pointed out that people often confuse colds and influenza, because cold is a self -limiting disease with mild symptoms. It is good for taking it for a week, but the influenza caused by the flu virus is different.Compare.

She said in the program on Sunday (January 1) that influenza also has symptoms of whole body, such as fever, cough, severe pneumonia, so it is more appropriate than flu.She also said that even if there are some patients with crown diseases, there will be some symptoms of pneumonia, but the degree of "white lungs" that netizens say "not reached", and they can quickly improve and heal after treatment.She pointed out that even in the early Wuhan epidemic, the cure rate of crown disease in China has been maintained above 90%, and the higher and higher.

In response to the pressure on the medical system, Jiao Yahui said that the China Health and Health Commission referred to the research data of China and the world in the past three years.Therefore, certain restrictions need to be taken to peak the epidemic pressure to ensure the supply of medical resources.

Jiao Yahui mentioned in the show that Chinese medical staff in the past three years have rushed on the front line without hesitation.Registration.But she also said that unlike the resistance of the people who had anti -epidemic three years ago and almost no one infected, many medical staff who rushed on the front line were also infected. Their family members were also infected.For them "a very hard battle."

Jiao Yahui pointed out that different cities are currently undergoing emergency and severe peaks. "MayThe trend of going down.She pointed out that the virus will become weaker and weaker after the spread of the virus. In popular terms, it is "unable to pass". When this stage, this difficulty will definitely pass.

However, Jiao Yahui also expressed concerns in response to the flow of the upcoming return of the residents of the Spring Festival, and the limited medical resources in rural areas.She admits that the most worrying thing is that after three years of not going home for the New Year, the peak of retaliated urban crowds this year will flood in the countryside, making relevant departments more worried about the rural epidemic.

She pointed out that there are two main focus of resistance in rural areas. One is to ensure that the medicine can go down, and the amount of supply must cover the time period of the Spring Festival.In severe patients, we must ensure that at least they can be transferred out of the county hospitals to treat them.

Jiao Yahui said that the relevant departments required the county and townships to organize vehicles to prepare. Once the case needs to be transferred, there can be a transportation tool to transfer the patients to the county hospital as soon as possible;The urban -rural hospital's counterpart support for many years has formed, and through the method of remote support and sending medical staff in the way, the city's high -quality medical resources will help county hospitals to cure intensive patients.

The China State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism and the Central Rural Leading Group of the Central Rural Work last Saturday (December 31) also proposed to strengthen support for rural medical and health institutions in rural areas to acceleMedical production and medical supplies preparation, as well as county -level hospitals and the construction of medical resources in infectious diseases, and advocate that the public should gather as little as possible and less dinner as possible when visiting relatives.