Hainan Province is expected that the province's infection rate has reached 50%. Among them, Sanya and Haikou cities have overtaken the peak of infection. According to the data of questionnaires, urban infection is significantly higher than rural areas at this stage, first in rural areas.

According to surging news reports, the Hainan Provincial News Office held a press conference on the instructions of the epidemic prevention and control work headquarters on Friday (December 30).The press conference disclosed the results of the survey of crown disease infection in Hainan Province of Hainan Province.

Comprehensive analysis results show that recently, the number of new crown infections in Hainan Province has been in a high volatility period, and the province's expected infection rate has reached 50%.The progress of each city and counties has different progress, of which Sanya City and Haikou have passed the peak of infection (as of December 25, the survey infection rate is 57.1%, 52.8%), Bao Ting, Puzhou, Ding'an, Wuzhishan, Dongfang, etc.Nearly 50%of cities and counties (infection rates from 41.0%-48.5%), and the other 12 cities and counties are in the fast "climbing period" (infection rate in 25%-37.5%).

Li Wenxiu, deputy director of the Hainan Provincial Health and Health Commission, said that the above data shows that the current prevention and control measures in Hainan Province have played a role in "slowing the epidemic", "peak" and "peak peak" to a certain extent.

According to the results of the online survey questionnaire issued by the Hainan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, from December 19th to 25th, the urban infection rate exceeded 40%, and about 24%in rural areas.The peak infection is the second wave of peaks in the countryside.From the perspective of the infected people, the infection rate of 20-29 years is the highest, reaching 40.1%; followed by 38.6%and 35.9%, and 19.3%of the ages of 30-39 and 40-49, respectively.In the early stages of the prime, the peak of infection was ushered in, and then the peak of infection of the elderly and children.

In addition, according to Li Wenxiu, the number of positive patients in Hainan Province entered the platform period.At present, the total number of medical staff at the designated hospitals of Hainan Province and the Ying Point Hospital has a total of 5,662 people. A total of 462 of the popular rib clinics (clinics) have set up 1478 clinics, and the maximum number of people can accept the number of people per day.The volume of clinics in the province's hot kidney (diagnosis room) continued to increase.The detection rate dropped to 30.61%.

In addition, with the increase in the infection rate of the Hainan Province, the normal production and living order of key enterprises and key institutions has been affected to some extent.The positive rate of nucleic acid testing in the province continued to rise, from 0.0033%on December 1 to 14.68%on December 26.