After China announced that the crown disease returns to the "Class B tube", the Ministry of Education of China has made it clear that schools with no epidemic should carry out normal offline teaching activities.The entrance gate does not require a nucleic acid certificate.

According to the announcement of the official website of the Ministry of Education of China on Friday (December 30), in order to prevent and control and educate the crown disease prevention and control and education and teaching of science and efficiency, according to the overall plan of the "Class B tube" of the State Council of China, combined with the combination of the Chinese State Council, combinedIn practice, the education system has formulated a new crown disease prevention and control work plan, and issued to various universities, primary and secondary schools, and preschool education institutions on Tuesday (27th).

The work plan is clear. It is necessary to adjust the optimization of campus testing strategies. Among them, colleges and universities will no longer carry out full -time nucleic acid screening, and the key personnel on the school will conduct nucleic acid or antigen test in accordance with relevant regulations;, Teachers and students from colleges and universities in and out of school gates and campus public areas do not require providing nucleic acid certificates. Other foreign personnel to enter the campus to enter the campus will be provided by the territory or school's consent.

For primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, the work plan points out that according to actual needs and local conditions, it can carry out suitable nucleic acid testing such as teacher -student screening, rotation inspection, and random inspection.Other foreign personnel must provide a proof of nucleic acid when entering the campus.

The work plan also emphasizes that education and teaching methods must be scientifically arranged.During the epidemic period, primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should adopt strict closed management. Higher universities can implement partitioned management. After the epidemic is terminated, normal education and teaching should be restored in time.

The scheme pointed out that after the epidemic in the higher school school occurred in time, measures such as reducing interpersonal contact, implementing online teaching, and adjusting teaching arrangements were adopted.The county (district) -level education administrative department proposed and implemented prevention and control measures in conjunction with the health, health, disease control and other departments; after the kindergarten infected, temporary shutdown measures can be taken.

The work plan also enhances the prevention and control capacity of the campus epidemic, improves the professional treatment of green channels, does a good job in the health monitoring of teachers and students, strengthens school material reserves, improves the public health of campusThe implementation of the responsibility of the party makes requirements.