The number of people infected with crown diseases has increased rapidly, and the number of emergency response to many hospitals has reached a historical high.NotDean Ma Jun The quantity is very large, there are many patients with severe illness, and the history of the hospital is a record high every day.NotSurging news reports that with the rapid increase in the number of infected people in Shanghai, the 120 emergency system is running high with high load.Tongren Hospital and Putuo District Central Hospital are the two district -level hospitals with the largest number of vehicles in the center of Shanghai Central City.NotJun > December 25 The number of emergency treatment reaches 1920, /Span> Receive 118 ambulances all day Span> car. Most of the patients are elderly people of respiratory system diseases. Some patients have basic diseases. Some patients have basic diseases.All the hospitals were received.NotThe number of first -aid vehicles in 120 was particularly large. Tongren Hospital strengthened the handwriting in front of the hospital. Doctors and nurse went to the hospital door to pick up the car to speed up the speed of the car. At the same time, the principle of classification and disposal was established.The most urgent patient for the first time for rescue.NotJun said that the clinic peak is coming, and Tongren Hospital has expanded the rescue area in advance. The original 10 rescue units have expanded to 40 to 50, and at the same time, nearly 50 rescue patients can be received.Not, Tongren Hospital also reinforced medical staff for emergency and popular kidneys. After a large number of patients continued to come in, the hospital optimized resources such as severe illnesses and specialized wards, divert patients in a timely manner, and increased intensive patient beds.NotJun said, "There are nearly 60%of the medical staff in the hospital infected with coronary virus. Many medical staff returns quickly after the symptoms are relieved to ensure that the medical power is sufficient."NotThe emergency volume of the district central hospital on December 26 also increased significantly from about 500 a day to 1600.NotThe emergency volume increased, and the number of rib clinics in Putuo District Central Hospital also reached a high level.The hospital issued 707 people on December 21, a year -on -year increase of 760.22%, and 624 people on December 22, a year -on -year increase of 670.98%.Most of them.NotGuarantee patients can go to the doctor as soon as possible. Even if the medical care in the Central Hospital of Putuo District is infected with crown disease, it will continue to work without any symptoms and actively extend the working hours.The emergency nursing team has almost no complete rest days in half a month, and many people have attended several night shifts in a row.