Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Monday (December 26), announced that the "purchase restriction order" of the property market will be fully canceled.At noon on the same day, the Dongguan Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau issued a document announced that the city's Wancheng Street, Dongcheng Street, Nancheng Street, Wanjiang Street, and Songshan Lake High -tech Industrial Development Zone suspended the implementation of commercial housing purchase restrictions.

According to, the above -mentioned areas are all popular areas of Dongguan property market, and it is also the area where the city has only reserved "purchase restrictions" before.This adjustment means that Dongguan's whole domain cancels purchase restrictions.At the same time, the policy increases the "sales restriction order". The commercial house purchased by the buyers in the above areas will be traded after three years from the date of signing the record or obtaining the property right certificate for two years.

China News Agency quoted Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Urban Rules Institute, said that after the CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference was held recently, the basic role of expanding domestic demand and exerting consumption has become the property market.One of the topics.He believes that in the "clothing, food, housing and transportation", the space and marginal effects of clothing and clothing are not as good as housing. The potential or space of living is very large, especially the improvement of housing, which will be the main force of future housing consumption.

Li Yujia said that from the perspective of Dongguan, more than half of the local population of over 10.53 million in the resident population is mainly in the city in the city.improve.By canceling restricted housing purchase policies, Dongguan still has great potential in releasing the demand for housing.

Dongguan is not the first city to completely withdraw from the purchase restriction.On December 9 this year, another big city Foshan also announced that it would no longer implement housing restrictions on housing.Prior to this, core second -tier cities such as Xi'an, Hangzhou, Wuhan, and Nanjing all had a policy of contraction or adjustment of purchase restrictions.

Li Yujia believes that this means that the policy of a new round of demand for the real estate market has begun.

Yan Yuejin, director of the think tank of the Yiju Real Estate Research Institute, believes that some cities have a strict purchase policy and have an impact on the stable recovery of the property market. This is not the main contradiction in the current property market.He analyzed that the cancellation of Dongguan's purchase restriction also means that all localities should take the initiative to reduce the constraints and obstacles to the real estate trading market, and truly provide new impetus for the new round of property market recovery.