As the hospital reports "serious reduction", Hubei Hubei HubeSome hospitals such as Shandong and Shenyang, Liaoning have recently recruited paid medical volunteers to expand the medical treatment team.In addition, public institutions in many places in China have also reported seriously minusing personnel, and have suspended offline business processing.

According to the surging news report, the People's Hospital of Tongshan County, Hubei City introduced on December 21 that in order to better cope with the peak of the upcoming epidemic, reserve the necessary epidemic prevention forces, and after studying it by Tongshan County People's Hospital, it is now decided to study.Recruit anti -epidemic volunteers for the society (the first batch: 35 nursing majors).The remuneration is 2,000 yuan (RMB, the same, about S $ 400) per month, or settled at 100 yuan per day at the actual working hours for one month, up to 2,000 yuan.

Tongshan County People's Hospital mentioned that after the volunteers complete the volunteer service on schedule, they can enjoy the publicly recruited staff (nurse positions) in the hospital for nearly three years.

Shandong Yangxin County People's Hospital also issued an announcement on December 19 that according to the needs of the hospital's medical work, several medical and care volunteers are now recruited to provide compensation services for medical and care.From January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023, the hospital provides a living subsidy of 200 yuan per person per day based on the actual volunteer service days of volunteers.

In addition, 10 physicians and RICU doctors, 2 cardiac physicians, 4 emergency doctors, 4 intensive medical physicians, 4 nurse, 30 wages, 4000Yuan, an excellent hospital's official recruitment is recommended.

The Fifth People's Hospital of Shenyang City recruited 20 patients in the emergency recruitment of physicians, including 5 people in the Department of Highne of Respiratory Department, 5 in the Circular Medicine, 5 Emergency Department, 5 of ICUs (ICU), and 70 nursing positions (Have emergency or ICU work experience or male nurse priority).Shenyang Sixth People's Hospital recruited 16 people in respiratory department, ICU, emergency department physician, 45 of the respiratory, ICU, emergency doctor, and 45 nurses (priority with male nurses with emergency or ICU work experience).

According to previous reports, many hospitals across China have successively reported "serious reduction". In addition to advocating the personnel of the administrative function department to go to the clinic line, there is a hospital calling on the asymptomatic infected person and mild illness in medical care.Let the severe symptoms rest and treat immediately, return to the job immediately after the symptoms disappear, and the hospital arranges a positive asymptomatic infection to work in the positive ward.Many hospitals also pointed out that the most severe moment may not yet come.

Jiangxi Fuzhou has also recruited medical staff throughout the city.Recruit hotline.

The Office of the Emergency Headquarters of the Fuzhou Epidemic Prevention and Control Emergency said that the current epidemic has achieved a major transformation from prevention and treatment.On the front line, it is the first wave of susceptible people.With the rapid rise of infected personnel, due to occupational exposure, large -scale infections are inevitable due to occupational exposure, and combat membership reduction during the period will be foreseeable.In order to better protect the lives and health of the people in the city, it is a top priority to supplement professional medical staff in a timely manner.To this end, the majority of medical staff, individual medical workers, and other medical workers with physicians and nursing qualifications are proposed to actively participate in volunteer recruitment.

In addition, the influence of public institutions in many places in China has also reported seriously that the report has been seriously reduced, and the offline business processing has been suspended.

The Labor Employment Management Service Center of Chang'an District, Xi'an issued a notice on December 21, saying that due to the recent problems such as increasing risk of epidemic dissemination and serious departure of various departments in the central department, the employment center work hall can no longer provide normally provided normallyFor offline business, it has to announce the suspension of external offices, and online business is normal.

The Medical Insurance Bureau of Puyang City, Henan, said that due to the epidemic, the medical insurance window of the Sunshine Building was seriously reduced, and the window could not work normally. From December 19, the offline business of the Sunshine Building Medical Insurance was suspended.The next business will be notified separately to advocate citizen friends to handle business online.

The Puyang Housing Provident Fund Management Center also said that due to the epidemic, the provident fund window of the Sunshine Building was seriously reduced.The offline business will be notified separately.

The Shandong Binzhou Library said that the current crown disease in the city has spread rapidly, and the number of library staff infected with crown diseases and influenza.In view of this, the Binzhou Library has adjusted the open hours and open areas from December 20.

The Baodi Branch of the Tianjin Planning and Natural Resources Bureau revealed that due to the impact of the epidemic of crown disease, the Natural Resources Investigation and Registration Center of Baodi District was seriously reduced.From December 19th, the real estate registration service hall of Baodi District launched a low -operating working model and suspended the acceptance of offline real estate registration business.The Jinghai District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau also said on December 20 that recently, due to the impact of the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, many staff members of the "Haihe Yingcai" talent introduction window have continued high fever and other symptoms, leading to severe reduction in the window.After research, offline services are suspended from December 21.