Chinese officials release signals to support the private economy after the CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference.The China Securities Regulatory Commission issued a document to further promote the reform of the registration system for stock issuance; promote the implementation of the reform of the overseas listing system of enterprises, and accelerate the implementation of the "green light" case of platform enterprises' overseas listing.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission posted on Wednesday (December 21) on the official website. The Central Economic Work Conference held on December 15 and 16 is a very important meeting.With key tasks, a series of super -expected policy measures have also been introduced to release a strong signal that promotes the overall improvement of the economy.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission stated that it will fully implement the overall requirements, expected goals and major tasks determined by the Central Economic Work Conference, accelerate the construction of modern capital markets with Chinese characteristics, continuously improve the function of the capital market, and better support the self -reliance of science and technology self -relianceSelf -improvement.

First of all, promote the comprehensive deepening of the capital market reform and steady.Promote the reform of stock issuance registration system, highlight the nature of the right to select the choice to the market, combine the management and pipeline, and improve the efficiency of resource allocation.At the same time, focusing on key areas and weak links in key industries, scientific and technological innovation, and private enterprises in the manufacturing industry, improve the supply of capital market systems, and help the "technology-industry-finance" benign cycle.

Second, expand the high -level institutional opening of the capital market.Promote the expansion of the interaction of the Shanghai -Shenzhen -Hong Kong Stock Connect and optimize the landing calendar.Promote the formation of the normalized cooperation mechanism of Sino -US audit supervision, and create a more stable and expected international regulatory cooperation environment.Promote the implementation of the reform of the overseas listing system of enterprises, and accelerate the implementation of the "green light" case of platform companies' overseas listing.Deepen the pragmatic cooperation between the mainland and the Hong Kong capital market and support Hong Kong to consolidate the status of international financial centers.

Third, comprehensively implement a new round of promoting the three -year action plan to improve the quality of listed companies.From the aspects of market access, information disclosure, and sustainable supervision, we will further implement the requirements for state -owned enterprises and private enterprises.

Fourth, strongly support the stable development of the real estate market.Strengthen the efforts and accelerate the implementation of various support policies and measures in the capital market, and help the transformation of real estate development models.Comprehensively implement the asset -liability statement plan to improve high -quality housing enterprises, continue to implement special support plans and support tools for private enterprise bond financing, and better promote the cooperation between CCTV to jointly support private housing companies to issue debt issuance.Implement the issuance of the equity financing policy of real estate enterprises, allow qualified real estate companies to "borrowed" housing companies, and allow close related industries such as real estate and buildings to implement housing -related reorganizations.

The CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference held last week to change its strong regulatory attitude towards capital, emphasizing that it is necessary to encourage the support of the private economy and private enterprises, protect the property rights of private enterprises and entrepreneurial rights in accordance with the law.

After the meeting, the official weekend has continued to clearly expressed its attention to private enterprises.

The People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Sunday (18th) in the front page report, quoting Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at the Economic Work Conference: "I have always supported private enterprises, and they are also compared with the private economy comparison.Come over in developed places. "