The Chinese diplomat delegation went to Yemen Aden from December 20th to 22nd, local time.This is a Chinese diplomat who visited Yemen again after nearly eight years.

Comprehensive CCTV News and Global Network reports that during this visit, Chinese diplomat delegations carried out diplomatic activities intensively.Visit the new site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yemen, and held a meeting with the Prime Minister of Yemen and many important officials in Yemen to jointly discuss the friendship with friendship and the two countries.

Also highly evaluated the friendly relations between China, the objective and fair position on China on the Yemen issue, and a large number of assistance provided by the Mid -direction.During the visit, the delegation also visited the landmark buildings that also witnessed Zheng He's monument and other friendly relations.

In 2014, Yemen fell into a large -scale civil war, and the local situation became more and more tense.In March 2015, China decided to withdraw overseas Chinese from Yemen, and all Chinese diplomats in the local area also evacuated.