(Russia / Beijing Composite Electric) Russian President Putin on Wednesday (December 21) participated in the opening ceremony of the Coveta Natural Gas Field in a video connection.This natural gas field will transport natural gas to China through the Siberian gas pitch, which is Russia's response to the European Union after the EU erupted by Russia and Ukraine.

According to Agence France -Presse, Putin said at the launching ceremony to open the largest natural gas field in eastern Russia, "It will vigorously promote the development of eastern Russia."

According to Reuters, Russia began to sell natural gas to China through the Siberian gas pipeline at the end of 2019. This pipeline transported about 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2021 and will reach 38 billion cubic meters of conveying tops in 2025limit.

Russia is currently the third largest natural gas supplier in China. Next, it is planned to transport natural gas from the Far East to northeast China through a new pipeline.Russia will also build a major channel through Mongolia construction. In 2025, it will increase its natural gas sales to China to 48 billion cubic meters per year, reaching 88 billion cubic meters in 2030.

On the other hand, Modvedev, vice chairman of the Russian National Security Conference, visited Beijing for two days from December 20th to 21st as a unified Russian party chairman from December 20th to 21st.

Medvedev visited China to meet with Chinese official meetings

According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese official meeting with Medvedev on Wednesday said that China has always decided its position and policy on the right and wrong of the incident on the Ukrainian crisis.Talking, "I hope that the relevant parties will maintain rational restraint, carry out comprehensive dialogue, and solve common concerns in the security field through political methods."

Medvedev responded that the Ukraine crisis was caused by cause, which was very complicated. Russia was willing to solve problems facing through peace talks.

Russia Tas also reported that Putin was transferred to the Chinese official pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -agency, and said thatThe new leadership team of the two countries interacts closely and continues to develop the relationship between the two countries.

Medvedev's office issued a statement saying that both Russia and China made synchronization on some major international issues, showing that Moscow and Beijing's most urgent global issues were largely consistent.