> Zhang Wenhong, an expert in infectious diseases in China, said that China has become a finalist, but it is currently necessary to protect the fragile crowd 度过 The current peak infection.Not According to Surging News, Zhang Wenhong, Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, China Infectious Diseases Medical Center and Fudan University, on Saturday (December 17), on Sino -US clinical microbiology and infection high -end forum in 2022"We are about to get out of this epidemic, and this trend will not be reversed."Not Zhang Wenhong said that humans have never achieved the goal of controlling a species to control infectious diseases.Therefore, after the birth of the influenza from the world, it gradually reached a balance with the human immune system. As humans vaccinated vaccines and general infections, it would maintain a certain stability with infectious diseases.Not For the evolution of coronary virus, he said: "At present, various studies can be seen that after we have vaccinated the vaccine, the evolution of the virus has been greatly stressed, which makes the number of viruses evolved after vaccination.The amplitude is reduced. It is now difficult to bloom a faster strain from the jumping out of the Omikon strain family. "/Span>

Significant toxicity reduces the trend, but there is still aggressiveness for fragile people, especially for people over 80 years old, as well as patients with chronic kidney disease, hypertension, and some nervous system diseases.Not Zhang Wenhong reiterated that because most of the deaths or severe cases occur in people who have no vaccine, vaccination is very critical to protect the fragile people.He made three suggestions. First, once infection, if there are symptoms, sufficient drug treatment is required; second, the vaccine is fully vaccinated; third, a reverse protection during the period of great popularity to avoid viruses from entering the life of fragile crowds.space.