The epidemic in the fourth quarter will slow down China's economic growth rate this year, but many Chinese economists predict that China's economic growth will reach 6%or more next year. If optimistic, it may reach 8%.

Yu Yongding, member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Yao Yang, Dean of the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, and Jia Kang, former director of the Institute of Finance Sciences of the Ministry of Finance, on Saturday (December 17) at the Annual Conference on the China TimesThe forums have proposed that China's economic growth will reach 6%next year.

Jia Kang analyzed that China's economic growth this year "is destined to slip out of a reasonable interval lower limit". In the first three quarters, there was only about 3%of the growth rate.

Jia Kang said that the foundation in the previous year was very low. The guided goals proposed at the two sessions (National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) should be at least 6%or more."Big problem".

Wei Jianguo, deputy director of the China International Economic Exchange Center and former deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce, believes: "Next year, the Chinese economy will kill the siege, develop rapidly, and the GDP growth rate will reach 8%."

Wei Jianguo said that the advantages and potential of China's anti -epidemic in the past three years will be released in concentrated next year. Next year will be the first year of the implementation of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China."Quality development", coupled with foreign trade will still make more important contributions than this year.

The number of infected people in the coming to several months in the next weeks to several months

But Yu Yongding reminded that the number of Chinese crown diseases in the next few weeks to several months may increase sharply, and the supply chain in China may be completely repaired. At the same timeDemand is expected to increase in a short period of time.

In this context, although China's current inflation rate is only 2%low, it may rise significantly in the future.

He emphasized that the primary problem that China needs to solve is to stabilize economic growth and increase economic growth rate, so it cannot be scrapped due to sorrow; China will be prepared for the deterioration of inflation next year, but in order to maintain a certain economic growth,China may need to endure a higher inflation rate.