The China State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism issued a notice on Wednesday (December 7) on further optimization and implementation of the prevention and control measures for new crown pneumonia.The 79 -year -old vaccination rate and accelerate the inoculation rate of people 80 or above.In many places in China, before the end of January next year, the vaccination rate of the first agent of the crown of people over the age of 80 will reach 90%.

According to the surging news on Tuesday (December 13), the target has been set around the vaccine vaccine of the elderly, that is, at the end of this year or January next year, the first dose of the first dose of the people over 80 years old, the first dose of the population over 80 years old,The vaccination rate reaches 90%; the conditional vaccination rate and the strengthening of immune vaccination rates of eligible target groups at the age of 60 to 79 have reached 95%.

The Office of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters in Ye County, Henan Province issued a notice on further accelerating the vaccination of the new crown virus vaccine for the elderly.The first vaccination rate of the vaccine reaches 90%, and the conditional population of the eligible target population and the strengthening rate of immunization have reached 90%.Eligible target groups from 60 to 79 years old are 95%of the vaccination rate and strengthening the immunization vaccination rate.

The Eldos City Epidemic Prevention and Control Command in Inner Mongolia said that before January 20, 2023, the first in vaccination rate of crown disease vaccines over 80 years of age in the city reached 90%;The strengthening rate of the immune vaccination is 90%; the total vaccination rate and the strengthening rate of immune vaccination in accordance with the conditions of the eligible targets from the age of 60 to 79 are 95%.

Qinghai Yushu Prefecture last Thursday (8th) at the video scheduling meeting of the preparation of the medical resources in the state of the state, and fully promoted the new crown vaccination work for the elderly.Strive before December 28, the first in vaccination rate of the first dose of crown disease vaccine at the age of 80 and above reached 90%, and the qualified target group vaccination rate and strengthened the immune vaccination rate by 90%;The target group vaccination rate and strengthening the immune vaccination rate reached 95%.

Sichuan Xuanhan County Epidemic Emergency Headquarters introduced on Monday (12th), before the end of January 2023, the first in vaccination rate of crown disease vaccines over 80 years old reached 90%or more;Eligible target groups have more than 95%of the entire vaccination rate and strengthened immune vaccination rate.

In addition, the leadership group of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Work of Wenshui County, Shanxi, said that the in vaccination rate of people over 80 years of age will accelerate and continue to increase the vaccination rate of people from 60 to 79.Before the end of January 2023: The eligible target population of 60 to 79 years old has been vaccinated and the immune vaccination rate is 95%.The first in vaccination rate of people over 80 years old reached 90%, and the qualified target group vaccination rates and strengthened immune vaccination rates reached 90%.

Compared with other ages, the basic immunity and enhancement rate of the elderly in China are low. According to the data of China CDC, as of November 28, the number of elderly people over 60 years of age accounted for the elderly population.86.42%, the number of inacuters over 80 years old only accounts for 65.8%of the population over 80 years old.