Yanjiao is the closest to Beijing, because of the real estate fame, the town of Hebei, The habitat where the drifts were working hard, but were always injured. With the promotion of China's national strategy "Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei Coordinated Development", OrderWill Yanjiao, who loves and hate, will it still be the dream park of the North Drifting in the future?

Bei Drifting Jijie (pseudonym) Before the control of Yanjiao at the junction of Hebei and Beijing on January 26 this year, he hurried back from his home to "escape" back to Beijing.Two months later, he was able to meet his wife and two children at the Baimiao Expressway Toll Station in Yanjiao into Beijing.

Yanjiao people can not go back to the same class due to seal control measures

"Well, like a prisoner", when I was interviewed, I remembered the scene where they met with their families. The 33 -year -old beauty shop owner felt a bit absurd.He said: "My wife gave me a large bag of laundry. I don't know when I can go back. I brought the bicycle I bought for my daughter.

Since the beginning of this year, the frequent epidemic blockade of Beijing and Hebei has allowed hundreds of thousands of Beijing -Hebei to work in the two places.Among the largest cross -provincial commuting groups in China, some people "have no class", some "have a family who can't return", and some people are forced to escape from Yanjiao.rice bowl.

Ji Jie fled to Yanjiao and returned to Beijing, and was repeatedly closed for two months. During this period, Yanjiao continued to be closed and controlled.

Call the Yanjiao neighborhood committee to apply for home, and the other party advised him not to return, otherwise he would be separated.In addition, he was also worried that in case of Beijing Health treasure pop -up window, it would be not easy to go back. "If you can't go back, the barber shop cannot open, and the family will have no source of income."

So he had an appointment with his wife for time. When the two places were unblocked, his wife took two children, and the family rushed to the Bai Temple high -speed toll station at the border of Beijing and Hebei.In the epidemic blockade in the first half of the year, their family reunited three times at the Baimiao Toll Station.

Yanjiao is affiliated to Sanhe City, Langfang, Hebei, about 30 kilometers away from Beijing Tiananmen, and is only separated from one river in Tongzhou, a deputy center of Beijing.Since the implementation of the national strategy of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei integrated coordinated development in 2014, Yanjiao has attracted a large number of northern drifts to buy houses because of the huge housing price difference with Beijing, low living expenses, and continuous improvement of traffic facilities.

According to the seventh national census data in China, Sanhe City's permanent population in 2020 was about 960,000, an increase of 313,000 from the sixth national census in 2010, of which about 28 in 10 years in Yanjiao High -tech Zone7,000 people, most of them are north drift.

In fact, with the advancement of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei transportation, the distance from Beijing, including Yanjiao, gradually get closer to Beijing.According to official media reports, in the past eight years, there have been 38 buses in Beijing to and from 17 counties and cities including Langfang, Zhangjiakou, and Chengde in Hebei Province.

Last month, Beijing announced that it was officially started after Metro Line 22 of Yanjiao and other places, and will be opened to traffic in 2025.

When Ji Jie bought a house in Yanjiao in 2009, he didn't feel how much difference between living in Yanjiao and Beijing.Especially in the past two years, several highways running through Beijing and Yanjiao have opened one after another. He even felt that it was much easier to live in Yanjiao than to live in Beijing's crowded bus to return rental houses.

The Bai Temple high-speed toll station at the junction of Beijing and Hebei is a place where hundreds of thousands of swallow commuters enter Beijing.The Baimiao high -speed toll station is also a place where interviewees and family members are briefly reunited during the epidemic blockade.(Photo by Meng Dandan)

Foreign cars are limited to commuters.

However, since 2019, Beijing has been restricted to foreign vehicles. Foreign vehicles can only travel in Beijing for 84 days throughout the year, which has made him start to feel the inconvenience of life in Shuangcheng.In order to ensure normal commuting, he had to spend 130,000 yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 26,000), and bought 11 Beijing brand vans.

The epidemic in 2020 was coming, and Beijing further tightened into Beijing to control and control.Ji Jie said that he had been in the Beijing inspection station for more than six hours, and "ranked from 7 o'clock in the morning to 1pm."In addition, every day, in the checkpoint, in addition to checking ID cards, Beijing Health Treasure and the itinerary, there must be a Beijing -Hebei Certificate, so that the "Senior North Drifting + Yanfu" who has opened a store in Beijing for 17 years and bought a house for 13 years in Yanjiao is veryFramented.He lamented: "The epidemic is here, Beijing is Beijing, and Yanjiao is Yanjiao."

The checkpoint queued for a few hours and waited for the "pass", which made the commuters miserable.Beijing Health Treasure, which has a pop -up window, has an unprecedented epidemic blockade. For all the people who need to be commuters, they are like a "bird of surprise."

The driver (40 years old), who lives in Yanjiao, said in an interview that after the epidemic, he had to look at health treasures every day after the epidemic."If there is no pop -up window, it is solid. As soon as a pop -up window, there is no sports car, and there is almost no income a day."

The long -lasting epidemic blockade, the higher the administrative barriers, not only affects the livelihood of many people, but also began to erode people's confidence in Beijing, Tianjin -Hebei, and some people were forced to escape from Yanjiao.

A white -collar worker named Li, who was sold in the market, moved away from Yanjiao without the lease last year. During the interview, she was very fortunate to be a decision.She said that her income was mainly based on performance. It was sealed for nearly two months last year, and the income was one -fifth."If you continue to stay in Yanjiao, let's not say that the income is reduced this year, the rice bowl is estimated to have gone!"

The lag of industrial development and the loss of the economic aggregate

The epidemic blockade allows the people of Beijing and other people to have the confidence in Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei integration. On the other hand, since 2014, the importance of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei in the national economic territory has not risen and falls.After the triangle and the Pearl River Delta, the third pole of China's economic growth will go in the future?

GDP of the three places accounted for the national proportion of the country fell below 10 % of Tianjin and dropped out of the 20th National Congress

Data show that in 2014, the GDP of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei was 670 million yuan, accounting for 10.4%of the country; by 2020, the GDP of the three places would be 8.6 trillion yuan, accounting for the national proportion, which fell to the country's proportion to its decline to its national proportion to its decline to the country.8.5%.Among them, the economic aggregate of Hebei Province was from 2014It ranks sixth in the country and fell to 12th in 2021.

As one of the dual -core cities in the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei urban agglomeration, the national ranking of Tianjin GDP has also fallen all the way, from 17th in 2014 to 23rd in 2020.

The economic ranking of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei has declined, and the attractiveness of the population is naturally not optimistic.In 2014, the permanent population of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei was 111 million, accounting for 8.1%of the country. By 2020, the proportion of the country fell to 7.81%.

Ye Tanglin, Executive Deputy Dean of the Economic and Social Development Research Institute of the University of Capital and Trade, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the total economic proportion of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei has declined in the country's proportion, which is mainly dragged down by the lag of industrial development.The focus of Tianjin and Hebei integrated.

According to his analysis, the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei industry seems to be a systematic system, Beijing positions high -end design, Tianjin is a high -end manufacturing, and Hebei is responsible for industrial support."Internal correlation is insufficient."

Ye Tanglin further explained that Beijing is the national scientific and technological innovation center. Its latest technology research and development has been transformed to the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai and other cities attract Beijing technology more, while Hebei Industry updates,Technological progress is relatively slow, and it is mainly concentrated in traditional industries such as steel, cement, and automobiles. "Beijing's technology has no way to provide sufficient empowerment to Hebei."

The Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei industry seems to be a systematic system. Beijing is located in high -end design. Tianjin is a high -end manufacturing. Hebei is responsible for industrial facilities.insufficient.

-Ye Tanglin, Executive Deputy Dean of the Economic and Social Development Research Institute of the University of Capital and Trade,

Scholars: Scholars: The willingness to cooperate with the status of the three places is not strong.

In addition, the Beijing non -capital function is also effective in the process of disintegration.For example, he said that the non -capital function of Beijing has solved 100%, and Hebei may only receive 70%, and 30%is the loss of efficiency, which will lead to the decline in GDP in the country.

A scholar who is unwilling to name and studys the regional economy, pointed out that in the epidemic situation, the local area is closed and controlled by the principles of the subordinate.As a result, the coordinated development of the three places has not made great progress.

He pointed out that the biggest challenges of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei coordinated development in the future are still inconsistent with the political and economic status of the three places. He takes Beijing's foreign car limit number as an example: "Beijing can limit Hebei cars to enter Beijing.Does Hebei dare to restrict Beijing's cars enter Hebei? "

For the past five years, property prices have been cut off the epidemic situation to surge

Since 2010, a large number of north drifting has continued to pour into Yanjiao, and Yanjiao House City has also risen, and once became a hot land for speculators.In 2015 and 2016, Beijing implemented a restriction order in Tongzhou District and the city. Many people working in Beijing lost their qualifications to buy a house and turned to Yanjiao. The Yanjiao Fang City became hot.In 2017, the house prices in Yanjiao soared to more than 40,000 yuan, surpassing house prices in individual suburbs in Beijing.

But Yanjiao lacks industrial support, coupled with the adjustment of real estate policies. In the past four years, Yanjiao housing prices have fallen among the country.From the peak value of Yanjiao's housing prices in 2017, a large number of real estate prices have been cut or even more.Affected by the epidemic in 2021, a series of hot search incidents such as "white delivery" of houses in the Yanjiao market also appeared in the Yanjiao market, house buyers broke off confession, and the number of fares, and the number of fares, and soared.

Satellite city situation is embarrassing

According to the data of the Shell Research Institute, the average price of second -hand houses in Yanjiao has continued to decline since 2018. From 2018 to 2021, the annual declines were 31%, 2%, 8%, and 2%.It is equivalent to 43 percentage points in four years.

Since the beginning of this year, affected by the continuous blockade of the epidemic in Beijing and Hebei, although the real estate policy has continued to loosen, the property market in Beijing is still weak. After the Langfang City, which belongs to Yanjiao, the market has not rebounded simultaneously.

Yan Yuejin, the research director of the Think Tank Center of the Easy House Research Institute, analyzed in the interview that housing prices such as Yanjiao and other satellite cities were greatly affected by population flow.Especially under the control of the epidemic control, the satellite city is in a very embarrassing place, that is, the separation of the place of residence and the place of work, causing a lot of problems, and also leading to the low cost performance of the current living or buying of the satellite city.

Scholars: Yanjiao is the national property market bubble rupture epitome

Yi Xianrong, a professor at the School of Economics of Qingdao University, pointed out to Lianhe Zaobao that the housing price of Yanjiao was a microcosm of the breakdown of the national property market bubble. He believes that it is difficult to recover the housing price decline after the Yanjiao subway was opened in 2025.

He said that the soaring house prices in Yanjiao mainly depended on hype. Yanjiao's own economic development capacity was insufficient. It mainly relied on the residence and investment demand of Beijing overflowing. The epidemic caused a very limited demand for buying a house.Short -term house prices are also unable to rebound. "