The number of people infected by Chinese crown disease has increased significantly, and the prices of some immune -related materials have skyrocketed.Appear.

According to CCTV News reports, the General Administration of the China Municipal Supervision Supervision on Saturday (December 10) issued a prompt on the order of regulating the order of the network transactions of the immune -related materials, requiring Internet platform companies to strictly implement the "eight responsibilities" to ensure that according to law according to lawCompliant operation.

The State Administration of Supervision of the Municipal Supervision, strictly implement the management responsibilities of operators in the platform, earnestly fulfills the audit oberites of the qualifications, commodity and service information on the platform, and strengthenExamine and monitor, appropriately increase the random inspection ratio of sales of sales and basic living materials, and ensure that the relevant information is true and effective; strengthen compliance management, strictly prevent operators on the platform's implementation of false propaganda, fraud and other behaviors, and resolutely eliminate the issuance of operators in the platformThe situation of "epidemic" occur, and timely take necessary measures on the operators within the platform that violates laws and regulations in a timely manner.

The General Administration of Market Supervision also requires that the monitoring of the daily procurement and supply of the immune supplies, increased the stock reserve appropriately, strengthen the remedy, warehousing scheduling, logistics distribution, ensure anti -epidemic supplies, basic living materials, basic living materialsSupply to ensure that the supply is constantly chaotic.

In terms of stable prices of immune -related materials, the General Administration of Municipal Supervision requires strictly marking prices in strict accordance with the regulations. It is strictly forbidden to make prices, hoarding, fabricating and spreading price increase information, resulting in too high the price of goods and services and rising; proactive initiative; active initiativeThe price control is abnormal pricing, and the price of anti -epidemic prevention supplies and basic living materials is stable.

The market regulatory authorities will discover illegal clues through complaints and reports, network monitoring, public opinion reflections, etc.Comprehensively use policy guidance, reminders, warning, administrative punishment and other means to prevent and stop illegal activities of online transactions.