The Chinese Official Media People's Daily issued a statement saying that the existing vaccination rate of the elderly in China has not yet formed a barrier that is sufficient to resist severe and death, so it is necessary to further accelerate the vaccination work of key groups.

The People's Daily on Sunday (December 4) published a comment article "Zhongyin", entitled to do a good job of vaccination work for key groups.

The article states that research and prevention and control of domestic and foreign research prove that vaccination is a key means to protect the elderly and other key groups.Determine whether a society can resist the impact of the epidemic.

The article wrote that a considerable number of elderly people in China have not completed the entire process of vaccination and strengthened immune vaccination. The existing vaccination rate of the elderly has not yet formed a barrier that is sufficient to resist severe and death.Rate and enhanced needle vaccination rates are very necessary and urgent.

The article states that it is a key to do a good job of vaccination work in key groups and optimize vaccination services and refine various measures.All localities should continue the effective measures of early acts, and continue to provide convenience to the elderly by setting up the green channels, temporary vaccination points, and mobile vaccination vehicles of the elderly to facilitate the elderly.It is necessary to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the family members of the elderly and mobilize the elderly to take vaccination through family members.In order to make the work carefully and the service, we can further improve the vaccination rate of key groups and accelerate the establishment of the "Great Wall of Immunology".

The article finally wrote that vaccination is a weapon to overcome the epidemic, which can not only protect their own health, but also protect the health of family members and people around them, effectively reduce the infection rate, intensive rate and disease outliest rate.Continue to do a good job of vaccination and strengthening immune work throughout the age of 60 to 79 years, especially those over 80 years old, further accelerate the promotion of new coronary virus vaccination, and strive to achieve full coverage of the appropriate vaccination. China will definitely build an epidemic prevention and control barrier and win to win.Normal epidemic prevention and control fighting the tough battle.