(Beijing Comprehensive News) On the occasion of relaxation of epidemic prevention control all over China, Hu Xi, the former editor -in -chief of the Global Times who claimed to be "high -risk groups", cheered on the society, and said that she was prepared to be infected within one month.

Hu Xi, 62, entered Friday (December 2) on personal Weibo that he has been one of the public opinion promoters who have dismissed large -scale sealing and restoring normal production and living order in recent months.For new information, he knows that the virus transmission is really unstoppable, and he continues to engage in large -scale closed control and cannot produce the desired results. The price paid in the process is becoming more and more difficult to bear.When this kind of toxicity is weakened, but the latest mutant strain is super strong. "

He believes that it is normal for many people to worry about.In the past, China did not hesitate to build a dam that prevents the coronary virus. Now it has transferred the struggle position. The society is no longer full and safe, and the probability of everyone infection has increased greatly.Many new problems will occur for a while, and many people may not dare to go to public places to consume.But this situation will not last for a long time, and society will automatically form new adaptability.

Hu Xijin said at the end of the post that in order to keep the rice bowl in order to serve a large number of service industry personnel, and for people from all walks of life, people from all walks of life did not reduce salary, so that many companies can get out of their predicament. "We must go forward."He claims that he is a member of the "high -risk group" over 60 years old, and is willing to bear the risks still left in the epidemic.He called on everyone to believe that the actual situation of this hurdle was certainly not as serious and thrilling as imagined.

On the other hand, there are already people who have felt uncomfortable and anxious about policy adjustment, and complain that "from one extreme to another."Some citizens in Wuhan posted on Weibo that taking bus and subway, it takes 24 hours of nucleic acid to prove it, but the nucleic acid detection point has been withdrawn a lot, and it is only five hours."It is very troublesome."Another netizen who claims to be from Liaoning said that if you do n’t read the nucleic acid report, what should you do if there is a virus infection?