The 26th meeting of the China -China Economic and Trade Commission was held on Thursday (November 24) with a video connection.Consultations such as negotiations.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Ren Ye said at the regular press conference on the 24th that the Korean side called on ChinaConversation in the field of cultural and creative fields.In this regard, China stated that it will be positive for the exchange of Chinese and Korean cultural exchanges, and it will work for cultural and creative exchanges between the two countries to enhance the mutual understanding and friendly relations between the two countries.

The Korean Central Economic and Trade Commission is a comprehensive economic cooperation and negotiation mechanism organized by the two countries since 1993.This year's meeting was changed to online due to the Chinese crown disease. Yin Shengde, an economic foreign coordination officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea, and Li Fei, assistant to the Minister of Commerce of China as the chief representative of both parties.

It is worth noting that Korean movies have recently re -launched on the Chinese video on -demand service (OTT) platform.In this case, on the 24th, the meeting of the China -China Economic and Trade Commission may reduce the exchange opinion of the threshold for the "restriction of Korean measures" of the "restrictions on Korean" on the Korean stream.

Ren Yan said that the South Korean government emphasizes the importance of Chinese Chinese creative exchanges with various opportunities and continues to maintain consultation with China for this reason.The South Korean government will communicate and coordinate with China at all levels, and strive to promote the development of relations between the two countries in a healthier and more mature direction.

For the future of Korean cultural and creative content in China, a foreign ministerial official said that it is still difficult to predict, but considering that Korean cultural and creative content is well -known worldwide, it is expected that the Chinese people are looking forward to the text of the Chinese people.The demand for creative content continues to be strong.

In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea also said that the meeting also reached an agreement on the second phase of the second phase of the South Korean and China Power Trade Agreement.

Yin Shengde, economic foreign coordination officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea, proposed to further strengthen cooperation and communication, ensure the stable operation of the supply chain, and look forward to restarting the second phase of negotiations between the South Korean and China Free Trade Agreement.Culture and service market.

Li Fei, assistant to the Minister of Commerce of China, expressed their identification on strengthening the need to strengthen the cooperation between China and South Korea, and hoped that the second phase of the Free Trade Agreement to negotiate early to achieve substantial results.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea said that South Korea and China have comprehensively evaluated the results achieved by the cooperation between the two countries, and discussed the related matters related to the problems faced by enterprises faced by enterprises of the two countries, as well as the supply chain.Concern and medium and long -term cooperation plan.