China paid the United Nations for the United Nations for the United Nations of the United Nations on Wednesday (November 23) at the United Nations for the peaceful peace boon stream during the previous authorization period.

According to the China News Agency, China Permanently in the United Nations delegation said that China had previously paid the full -scale UN conference fee and the International Criminal Court's remaining mechanism for the 2022.As the United Nations Second Conference fee and peacekeeping stall country, the permanent member of the Security Council, and the largest developing countries, China has always actively fulfilled its financial obligations for the United Nations, and once again reflects its firm support for the UN cause and multilateralism, which reflects the reflection of the UN cause and multilateralism.The responsibility and responsibility of the great country.

The delegation pointed out that adhering to the wide consensus of the international community and strengthening the role of the United Nations in accordance with the general expectations of member states.China has always been the builder of world peace, the contributor to global development, the maintenanceer of the international order, and the provider of public products.The Chinese government successfully held the 20th National Congress in October this year. It has made important strategic plans on China's future development, reiterated that China actively advocates and practiced truly multilateralism, actively participated in the reform and construction of the global governance system, and firmly maintained the United Nations by the United NationsThe core international system, firmly maintain the international order based on international law, and firmly maintain the United Nations's core role in international affairs.

The delegation said that the United Nations peacekeeping action played a vital role in eliminating the roots of conflict, maintaining the stability of the parties, and achieving lasting peace.China has always been committed to political solution to hot issues. It is an active participant and important contributor to the United Nations peacekeeping operation. It attaches great importance to peacekeeping work and is the largest departure country in the middle school of the Security Council.China supports the United Nations to strengthen the construction of peacekeeping capabilities and promote the safety of peacekeeping personnel. It has always actively promoted the international community to increase investment and take action.

The delegation said that China has called for continuous improvement of the United Nations financial situation and strengthening budget management, and supports the United Nations to play a greater role in responding to global challenges.China hopes that other membership states, especially the main national large -scale countries, will pay the meeting fees and stalls in a timely manner in a timely manner, and make the debut rate with practical actions to support the United Nations to play an important role.