Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leadership meeting, emphasizing that he insists on opening up and tolerance, builds a common rich Asia Pacific, and adhere to the open regionalism, build a closer regional industrial chain supplyThe chain has steadily promoted the process of regional economic integration and promoted the common prosperity of all the people of Asia -Pacific.

According to China CCTV News, Xi Jinping attended the 29th Leadership of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization at the 29th Leadership Meeting of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization at the Bangkok National Convention Center in Thailand on Friday (November 18) and issued a unity cooperation entitledEstablish an important speech for the responsibility to build the Asia -Pacific Destiny Community.

Xi Jinping said that the current crown disease epidemic is delayed, and the world economic recovery is facing various challenges. Unilateralism and protectionism have risen.Complex and severe.

He pointed out that Asia -Pacific is the place where everyone is settled and the source of global economic growth.In the past few decades, the Asia -Pacific regional economic cooperation has flourished, and has created the world's attention "Asia -Pacific Miracle". Asia -Pacific cooperation has long been deeply rooted.Now, the world is standing at the intersection of history again, and the Asia -Pacific status is more important and more prominent.

Under the new situation, in order to work together to build the Community of Destiny of Asia -Pacific and create a new glory of the Asia -Pacific cooperation, Xi Jinping put forward four suggestions to maintain international fairness and justice, build a peaceful and stable Asia Pacific;Build a common prosperous Asia -Pacific; we must adhere to the development of green and low -carbon, build a clean and beautiful Asia -Pacific; adhere to the Asia Pacific, which is the Asia -Pacific who is in the Communist Party of China.

Xi Jinping said that the rapid economic growth of Asia -Pacific in the past decades is due to a peaceful and stable environment.An important revelation is mutual respect, unity and cooperation. When they encounter things, we discuss it and seek the largest number of equivalent.

He urged everyone to adhere to the concept of joint, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable safety concept, respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries, do not interfere with the domestic politics, respect the development path and social system of the people's independent choices, pay attention toAll countries have reasonable and safe concerns, and solve the differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and negotiation.It is necessary to actively participate in global governance, promote the development of international order in a more fair and reasonable direction, and provide guarantee for the peaceful and stability of the Asia -Pacific and the world.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it has repeatedly proved that it is the right way to open and inclusive and win -win cooperation.It is necessary to adhere to open regionalism, strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, build a closer regional industrial chain supply chain, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, steadily promote the process of regional economic integration, and build a high -level Asia -Pacific free trade zone at an early date.It is necessary to adhere to the development of the development of the people, the development of the people, and the people shared by the people, and promote the common prosperity of all the people in the Asia -Pacific.

He said that China is willing to implement the comprehensive and high -quality regional economic partnership agreement with all parties, and will continue to promote the addition of comprehensive and progressive cross -Pacific partnership agreement and digital economic partnership agreement to promote regional integration and developmentEssenceNext year, China will consider hosting the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum to inject new driving forces into Asia Pacific and global development and prosperity.

Xi Jinping said that protecting the ecological environment and responding to climate change is a common challenge facing all human beings.It is necessary to strengthen economic and technological cooperation, accelerate digital greening and coordinated development, promote the transformation and upgrading of energy resources, industrial structures, and consumer structures, and promote the green development of economic and social.

He said that this year, everyone has formulated the goal of Bangkok, a green economy in biological circulation this year to coordinate the promotion of ecological environmental protection and economic development.China will support the implementation of Bangkok's goals."I proposed a global development initiative in the United Nations last year, strengthened pragmatic cooperation in the areas of poverty reduction, food, energy, and health, and accelerating the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Welcome to the Asia -Pacific countries to actively participate."

Xi Jinping mentioned at the end of his speech that everyone should look at Asia -Pacific cooperation with strategic and long -term vision, maintain the main channel position of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation in regional cooperation, and maintain the correct direction of Asia -Pacific cooperation.It is necessary to adhere to the principle of the purpose of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation, and to continuously deepen mutual trust, tolerance, cooperation, and win -win Asia -Pacific partnership.We must carry forward the "big family spirit", help each other in the same boat, watch each other, and continue to move towards the construction of the Asia -Pacific destiny community.