(Zhengzhou Comprehensive News) After a crown disease epidemic in the Foxang Factory in Zhengzhou, Henan, China, the news of a large number of workers' hiking escape caused attention in Chinese social media; Zhengzhou official Sunday said that the epidemic situation in the Fuji -Kang factory area was controllable as a whole.

Chinese public opinion questioned that Zhengzhou had concealed in this round of epidemic, calling on the official facts to seek truth from facts, disclose information, and stabilize social confidence.According to the official data of Henan, there were only six cases of new local confirmed cases in Zhengzhou on October 29, and 26 newly -free infections were added.However, in social media, many local netizens reported that many places in Zhengzhou are in a state of control, and the situation of official high -voltage epidemic prevention seems to be inconsistent with the outbreak data.

Douyin, Weibo and other social media, in the past few days, a large number of people have carried large bags and small bags, holding their suitcases, and walking on highways and fields.Workers who escaped from Foxconn Factory.Some enthusiastic people placed mineral water and snacks on the side of the road, and erected a sign of "Foxconn Returning Persons' Supply Point" and "Foxconn employees for free".

Henan issued a public letter from Foxconn staff in many places, saying that they had prepared for local household registration employees to return to their hometown, and requested that those who returned to their hometowns were reported in advance to implement point -to -point services and corresponding isolation measures.Foxconn also issued three notices on the inner network on Sunday (October 30), promising to ensure the arrangements for employees and employees who return to the company and returning home in the company's factory area.

Foxconn Zhengzhou Factory is one of the most important Apple mobile phone production bases in the world; the news that the epidemic occurred in the factory area was spread last week, and Foxconn Technology Group issued a statement on October 26 that the "about 20,000 people in Zhengzhou Park in Zhengzhou Park were circulated on October 26"Confraate" is serious and unprepared information.

As of Sunday, Zhengzhou officials have not notified the specific epidemic situation in the Foxang Factory area."Zhengzhou Release" public account Sunday said: "This round of epidemic spreads fast, but the virus load is low. As of now, there is no severe infection in the Foxconn plant.

The WeChat public account "Uncle Miscellaneous Talk" posted a post on Sunday calling on the official public information to regain the trust and confidence of residents' trust in the local government's organization of resistance.The article wrote: "Anyone flying through the rumor will not only cause confusion in information, but also cause confusion of human heart. This is very unfavorable to resist."

Hu Xijin, the former editor -in -chief of the Global Times, criticized Zhengzhou's mainstream media on Weibo on Weibo, saying that "this is not conducive to the credibility of those media, and it is not conducive to the smooth treatment of the Foxconn incident at the beginning."