The largest continuous Liangqiao in the high -cold region of China is opened to traffic in Qiqihar, Harbin Province.

According to the China News Agency, on the morning of Sunday (October 30), Qiqihar City Aviation Bridge was officially opened to traffic. The bridge is also the largest span and the most important continuous beam bridge in China.

Qiqihar City is an important old industrial base in China. The civil aviation bridge project is a major local infrastructure project and major people's livelihood project.2.793 kilometers, the design speed is 60 km/h.

"The core project of the bridge needs to cross 21 shares such as the Harzi high -speed rail, the flat railway, the freight line, and other types of urban pipelines." The Fifth Survey and Design Institute of China RailwayFu Juping, the chief designer of the Civil Aviation Bridge Engineering of the Group Co., Ltd., said that the design team carried out a special research on the large span, large -tonnage bridge plane turntable in high -cold areas, large -tonnage bridge plane turns, and high risks of cross -iron construction.The main bridge span height, anti -frozen concrete design, high -precision rotor support and durability design and other processes, ensuring the successful implementation of the millimeter -level accuracy of the main bridge with a total weight of 55,000 tons.The two construction records of similar structural bridges in the region and the heaviest tonnage are the most heavier.

After the Qiqihar Civil Aviation Bridge was opened to traffic, it not only achieved the optimization and upgrading of the urban main road network, but also the rapid series of urban airports, north -south railway stations, and central urban areas.The "three -dimensional road network function, promote the integration of the city's strategic emerging industrial park and the city's center area.