(Berlin Comprehensive News) A spokesman for the German federal government said that German Prime Minister Shulz's visit to China in early November will be very short.

According to the Voice of Germany, Federal Government spokesman Steffen HebestReit last Monday (October 24) said: "Because China's crown disease policy is very complicated, this trip will be very goodShort. "

Black Bei Tetite added that Shulz did not plan to spend the night in Beijing at this interview, "it is actually just a day trip."

He confirmed that Shawrtz will visit China with the Economic delegation, but because the visits are "not simple", it is unclear which members of the delegation.Shawrtz will be the first national leader to visit China since the crown disease epidemic.

According to Sunday World Report, Shulz denied the decision of the visit in the interview a week ago, which is related to the official re -election of the Chinese Communist Party or congratulations to the Chinese official.The idea. This is my first visit to China. I have gone to Japan half a year ago, and now it is important to me in Beijing. I have to go to Vietnam and Singapore a few days later. "

For insisting on selling some of the equity of Hamburg Port to the Chinese Investor COSCO Group, whether it is related to visiting China, Shulz refutes that the matter has not been decided. "COSCO hopes to acquire a company in Hamburg.A few equity. "He emphasized that land ownership will still be completely in the hands of Hamburg.