The Foxconn Factory in Henan, China According to the rumor of the outbreak of the crown disease, the news of a large number of workers escaped on the social media.In response, a administrative office of Zhengzhou Foxconn revealed that Foxconn is carrying out the willingness to register for employees to return to hometown, and return the point -to -point employees to return to the hometown.

A video of many Zhengzhou Foxconn workers returning home for the "escape", recently spread on social media platforms such as Douyin.

Netizens who claim to be Foxconn workers posted that the number of diagnostic people in the factory was increasing, but the materials were very scarce.Under the storm, some workers chose to leave forcibly; because the transportation could not be used, the workers could only go home on foot.There are also online posts that the number of Foxconn Zhengzhou factory has reached 20,000.

At present, the official situation of the Foxconn plant has not been notified. Foxconn last Wednesday (October 26) denied rumors of 20,000 employees.

According to the Science and Technology Board Daily Sunday (30th), an administrative office staff in Foxconn, Zhengzhou said that Zhengzhou Foxconn is carrying out the willingness to return to employees to the home.The government arranges nucleic acid testing and coordinated the transportation, and returns to employees with the willingness to return to the point to return to the hometown.

It is reported that the process notice of the employee's off -ring (returning) process provided by the administrative office personnel shows that the current situation of epidemic dissemination has been effectively controlled.According to county -level classification statistics, the list of employees of returning to the hometowns will be arranged uniformly in each county and cities to return to their hometowns to return home and handle them in accordance with the epidemic prevention regulations.

The Science and Technology Board Daily saw in the letter from Foxconn employees in Taikang and other places to see that according to the situation of returning to the hometown, local arranged transport vehicles will be arranged to provide a closed -loop to return to the Foxikang Factory Department of Zhengzhou from now.Serve.

A new round of epidemic has recently appeared in many places in China, including Zhengzhou.