China Saturday (October 29) successfully launched in the morning on Saturday (October 29)Test No. 20 C star.

According to, China uses the Long March 2 Ding Yunzai Rockets at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 9:01 am on Saturday.The launch task was successful.This satellite is mainly used for new technologies such as space environment monitoring in orbit verification tests.

Test No. 20 Satellite was developed by the Institute of Micro Satellite Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.The Long March No. 2 Dingwan Rockets that perform this task are two -stage carrier rockets developed by the Eighth Hospital of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group. The take -off thrust is about 300 tons, and the corresponding 700 kilometers of sun synchronization circular track capacity is 1.3 tons.Jiuquan, Taiyuan, and Xichang's three major satellite launch centers require single -star and multi -star launch capabilities in different rails.

This launch is the 12th task of the long two -ding model this year, and it is also the final battle of the long two -ding model at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in 2022.Since August this year, the long two -ding model has entered the stage of high -density launch, and has faced high -density tasks in development, production, and entry in parallel. The model planning in advance and coordinating coordination of various factories have been coordinated.The task is successfully implemented, and for the first time, it has achieved a historic breakthrough of 8 rounds and 6 rounds of 2 months.The mission is the 445th flight of the Long March series of the carrier rocket.