(Beijing News) The National Bureau of Statistics of China announced on Thursday (October 27) that the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size from January to September this year exceeded 62,44.1 billion yuan (below, RMB, about 12159, about 12159S $ 100 of 100 million), a year -on -year decrease of 2.3%, and the decline continued to increase.

Only state -owned enterprises achieve profit growth

Affected by the impact of the impact of many places, China's above data has fallen in three consecutive statistics, of which, from January to July, 1.1%, and 2.1%from January to August.

In China, industrial enterprises above designated size refer to industrial legal entities with annual main business income of 20 million yuan and above.

Earlier, the profit of industrial enterprises above designated size from January to June increased by 1%year -on -year, with the same January to May.From January to April, an increase of 3.5%.

The latest data released by the official website of China National Bureau of Statistics also show that from January to September, industrial enterprises above the national scale achieve operating income of 10.017 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.2%year -on -year, slightly lower than 8.4%from January to August.The growth rate; the operating cost of 8.499 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.5%; the operating income profit margin was 6.23%, a year -on -year decrease of 0.67 percentage points.

From January to September, among industrial enterprises above designated size, only state -owned controlling enterprises have achieved profit growth, with a total profit of 2094.79 billion yuan, an increase of 3.8%year -on -year.Foreign business, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan business investment companies realized the total profit of more than 1481.4 billion yuan, a decrease of 9.3%.