Shenqiu County, Zhoukou City, Henan Province, pushed new regulations on Monday (October 3): Heat patients living in the history of high -risk areas, if they are diagnosed as positive, the reporter can get 50,000 yuan (RMBIn the same, about S $ 10,000) reward.

Coincidentally, Hainan Chengmai County also issued an announcement the next day. The staff of public places discovered that there were historical and red code personnel in the high -risk areas within seven days, and the reward was 500 yuan in time.Positive, staff can get 10,000 yuan in rewards.

Many netizens teased, the economic situation under the epidemic was not good, and finally found a new way to get rich.Some netizens also questioned: "Where does this money come from?", "What is the meaning of the end?", And also pointed out a paradoxic logic in the reward regulations: "I found that I have not been connected?"

PreventionThe fancy report rewards in the control measures

The epidemic has lasted for nearly three years, and the measures of the Chinese government to introduce rewards for rewards are not new.As early as the beginning of the outbreak, on February 4, 2020, Xiaogan, Hubei under his jurisdiction, issued a post to reward the masses to report the fever and not report.

In the same month, in Hubei, there are at least four places to launch similar reward policies.Hubei Fangxian awarded 1,000 yuan for the heating and autonomous consultant; Huanggang City issued a notice that month that he had symptoms such as fever, cough and active consultation personnel, with a one -time reward of 500 yuan.

Hubei Fangxian CountyIn the early days of the epidemic, he posted a reward of 1,000 yuan for the heating and self -heating diagnosis.(Out of the official website)

The reward regulations of Qianjiang City are more detailed: Any award for fever patients who can not clearly rule out the symptoms of crown diseases in the first timeReward 2,000 yuan for patients with crown disease suspected cases, and for the first time, it was determined to be awarded 10,000 yuan for diagnosis patients.

In addition to Hubei in the severe disaster area, other places also began to have the sound of wind and cranes, and it was highly alert to the symptoms of crown disease.

Nanyang in Henan issued a post in the month, encouraging the public to report close contact with the suspected or confirmed patients. Anyone who verified the missed report was 1,000 yuan for each reporter.

Harbin announced the same month that the reporter will be awarded 2,000 yuan.It also stipulates that the principle of "get first, first, first," was reported by multiple people and the first reporter was rewarded.

Entering the second half

Time came to the end of last year, the epidemic entered the second half, and the epidemic that raged for nearly two years slowly slowed around.

But because China still pursues the principle of "dynamic clearing zero", local governments are still trying to try the "reward report" trick.

On December 2 last year, Harbin issued an announcement that it proposed to actively perform nucleic acid testing or consultation and test results to awarded 10,000 yuan in positive personnel.

In February this year, the situation in the Hong Kong epidemic was severe. Many people returned to the mainland by smuggling. As a result, continental cases blossomed.Soon, cities such as Zhuhai, Huizhou, and Taishan, which are close to Hong Kong, issued a reward notice of up to 500,000 yuan to solicit clues about smuggles.

With the continuous evolution of the epidemic, the prevention and control methods are more complicated, and the reporting reward measures have also separated more different levels.Yongjia County, Wenzhou, Zhejiang announced the reward method for the prevention and control of the epidemic in April this year, setting up different levels of rewards for different types of reports.

In August of this year, "the capital of the world's small commodities" in Zhejiang Yiwu experienced a round of epidemic.After the epidemic was ended, the local official announced on September 20 that anyone actively reported that they were close contact with crown disease cases, and at the same time were judged to be densely connected, and reporters would receive a reward of 5,000 yuan.Not"Zhejiang Yiwu experienced a round of epidemic in August this year, and then launched an active report reward measure of up to 5,000 yuan.(Internet)