Japan Foreign Minister Lin Fang is being disclosed on Friday (August 19) that Japan and Chinese senior officials are arranging Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and Chinese President Xi Jinping to hold a summit in the fall to commemorate the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries in the commemoration of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries.Improve relationships on the occasion of the 50th anniversary.

Lin Fang revealed the above news during an interview with the Japanese Economic News Agency on Friday.He said that Japan and China will discuss the details of the summit, including what form will the leaders of the two countries hold talks.

He said that the meeting between the leaders of the two countries is more likely to be carried out in the next few months, but it may also meet in the third country.Meeting during the National Group Summit.

Lin Fangzheng also signaled that the possibility of meeting between leaders of the two countries in China or Japan.It is reported that Mainland China has recently stepped up military exercises in the Taiwan Strait. Earlier, five ballistic missiles on the mainland also fell into Japan's exclusive economic zone, which attracted the rebound of domestic domestic public opinion.The idea encountered resistance in China.

Lin Fang was condemned in mainland China in the interview, but also said, "at this time, communication is the key."He said that he hoped that the issue of Taiwan would be able to solve peacefully through dialogue.

He emphasized that Japan has always been open to the conversation between the two countries and calls on the two parties to work hard to develop constructive and stable relationships.

Lin Fangzheng said: "We will insist on our position when we need it, and urge (mainland China) to take responsible actions. We will also cooperate (with mainland China) to deal with our common challenges."

It is reported that Kishida Wenxiong has not had a conversation with Xi Jinping since October 2021.Xi Jinping's last face -to -face meeting with Japanese leaders was in December 2019. At that time, Xi Jinping met with the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.However, at the time of Kishida Wenxiong's attempt to shift to "new era realism diplomacy", Kishida believes that stable Sino -Japanese relations will be a priority.

Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Wednesday (August 17), only held a seven -hour talks with the Japanese National Security Security Director Akitari.Stable bilateral relations conduct talks.

Some scholars analyze that the senior China and Japan will choose to hold a meeting to talk to Taiwan two weeks after visiting Taiwan two weeks after visiting Taiwan. It is entirely because both countries have demand and are willing to improve the relationship between the two parties.