Line for several hours, or pay ten times the original price to buy a cup of milk tea, are you willing?

In Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, at least thousands of people are willing to pay such a price for a cup of "tea Yan Yue".

The existing tea soup plus fresh milk, squeezed cream, embellishment of dried fruit, and a literary name ... Looking like ice cream, it is the "autumn first in autumn.A cup of milk tea ".

How hot is Tea Yanyue in Nanjing?

The net red milk tea shop in Changsha, Hunan, entered Nanjing this week. Two stores in Xinjiekou IFCX and Jiangning Jingfeng Center in the bustling commercial district Thursday (August 18)Open on the same day, each person is limited to four cups.The brand's original reputation and marketing strategy have made "sold out five minutes before the opening of Nanjing Tea Yan Yuese", "Nanjing Yijiang Yuecai after half an hour to stop business", "Nanjing Tea Yan Yue Sei Appointment to purchase a cup of 200 yuan 200 yuan"(RMB, S $ 40) and other related entries have also lined up on the Weibo Search List.

In the pictures on the scene of Jingfeng Center on Thursday, you can see that police officers in fluorescent vests are maintaining order.(Internet)

Because the battle for tea to buy tea is too huge, Jiangning District also has to regulate police forces to assist malls to maintain order.The official Weibo of Nanjing's "Jiangning Public Security Online" also sincerely suggested that citizens should not come back to line up that day, and teased that "you can buy a lot of drinks for drinking water."

In fact, the pricing of tea Yanyue color tea is more than ten yuan, which is not expensive compared to many other brands of tea that is 20 or 30 yuan, but considering the cost of queuing in four hoursThis milk tea can be strange.

Where there is scarcity, there are purchasing and oxen.A purchase fee of 120 yuan for the Time Weekly interview; there are also cows with milk tea with a price of up to 200 yuan a cup of milk at the scene; many purchasing purchases can be received on the e -commerce platform, the price is hundreds of yuan.

Due to the eye -catching opening of the new store, Tea Yanyue WeChat WeChat public account also posted a post early on Friday (19th), which caused "too many unnecessary discussions, disturbed everyone's sight, and gave Ning Nanjing Nanjing.Bring a storm "apology.

As for being accused of hiring "entrustment" hype, Tea Yanyue also responded with a consistent literary style. "Our new brand first arrives, and everyone speculates that it is also common.After all, time is the good recipe for us to understand and understand each other. "

The process of the hair of Chayueyue Sex

Public information shows that tea Yan Yuecai was born in 2013, 2015, 2015, 2015, 2015Registered brands in the year, focusing on tea, selling tea and cultural and creative products; shop decoration adopts Chinese style, and the packaging is also incorporated into many Chinese style elements.

Tea Yan Yuese StoreThe decoration is mainly based on Chinese style, and some stores also have the theme landscapes specially built.(Internet)

However, the most famous label of Chayue Sex is "only drinking in Changsha."For many years, Tea Yanyue has been opened for a long time in Changsha densely opened in Changsha. At the most exaggerated, there are only six streets.It also became a business card of Changsha tourism, appearing in almost every tourist strategy.

However, due to the impact of the epidemic, tourists in Changsha and local consumption have declined, and tea Yan Yuecai finally walked out of Changsha in November 2020 and opened a branch in Changde, Hunan; one month later, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it was a month.The first store in Wuhan, Hubei also started business.

After arriving in the field, the queue became a new "business card" for tea Yanyue.When the first store in Wuhan opened, the eight -hour and purchasing fee was 300 yuan. The netizen was ridiculed that "it is faster to buy in Changsha by train."

Wuhan ushered in unprecedented flow of people when the opening of Wuhan, and the staff held the order on the spot with the sign of the labeling time and the sign of the "disagreement of purchasing".(Internet)

Line in line to buy tea for "online social status"

There are two, tea Yan Yue color opened in Shenzhen for five months from April to September 2021Flash shop.On the day of the opening, 30,000 sheets were arranged, and the traffic police took traffic control over some roads. The price of oxen of a cup of milk tea was fired to 500 yuan; when he entered Chongqing on June 1, 2022, he opened four stores in one breath and again with one breath.The "grades" with a four -hour queue and 200 yuan for purchasing fees have attracted attention.

But after the freshness, it is not so hot.Taking Chongqing as an example, only the second day of opening, the traffic has decreased significantly, and it can be bought in line for half an hour. There are as many as 78 stores in Wuhan, and the heat is also no different from ordinary milk tea shops. At most ten minutesCan get tea.

In Changsha, tea Yan Yue color is due to the high density and poor management due to crazy expansion. In just last year, I experienced three large -scale temporary closing stores., Reduced to 295.

After the store was reduced, in the central area of Changsha, the density of Chayueyue's shop was still amazing.(Screenshot of the official applet)

There are such ups and downs. No wonder some netizens teased that when the new store opened, people lined up to buy milk tea, but "online social status."

The official media called for reasonable viewing the Internet celebrity brand

After the Nanjing Store of Chayue Yue Se, the people's network official micro "people's network review" was also fun, and the post reminded reminder reminderConsumers have maintained rationality: "We have seen too many scenes in front of the online celebrity brand, and have many times that 'but such a feeling. Faced with the Internet celebrity brand, consumers must maintain rationality and need' also need to 'also need' also need to be 'You will not let the merchant go with the ox with the nose. "

Jiangsu local official media Xinhua Newspaper's outlets of tea Yanyue new store will destroy half, praise the consumption consumption, which boosts consumptionFrom an angle, the scene of "everyone compete for a cup of tea" is very gratifying, it is a true embodiment of people's enthusiasm and ability.However, the article also pointed out that in addition to the people's gathering that may impact epidemic prevention, the hungry marketing and the irrational consumption of buyers are also difficult to last. Blind speculation can only make milk tea "taste" and consumers "have appetite".

Indeed, "the first cup of tea face in East China" in Nanjing, a cup of tea beauty color that is difficult to find by freshness and hunger marketing, will never be hungry consumers after all;Like Changsha in ChinaWhen the country expands, it should be difficult to keep the "pleasant color" of the city.

Tea Yan Yue colorThe giant billboard outside the center of Jiangning Jingfeng attracted customers to come to the first day of opening with "the first cup of tea face in East China".(Internet)

The prosperity and decline of the Internet celebrity brand

In China, there are not a few online celebrities who have become popular by brands and hunger marketing, but few can continue to fire for a long time.

For example, in May 2020, the American fried chicken POPEYES, which created 8 hours of queuing, was exposed to all Chinese branches suddenly closed in early August, suspected to be adjusted by business rights;Lady M, which was available in Shanghai for 6 hours in Shanghai, will also close all existing stores in China in September.

Local brands have not escaped the law of the market: Once with high -quality services, people who are willing to queue for a few hours have been lined up for a few hours. They closed nearly 300 stores last year.100 million; once attracted consumers to queue up for several hours, and the price of the net red milk tea brand with several times high. Earlier this year, 30%of the layoffs were exposed and the price was reduced throughout the board.

Once used with meticulous serviceThe Internet celebrity Haidilao, which created the miracle of the catering industry, is now in Keeluo, many stores.(Internet)

Zhu Danpeng, an analyst of Chinese food industry, has proposed that consumers are willing to pay for the scene, services and brands of the Internet celebrity restaurant, and even pay a high premium or time cost, soA manifestation of consumption upgrade.The former Internet celebrity brand is now falling. In addition to over -marketing, it is not true, but after all, the consumption downgraded by the epidemic is still unable to match the epidemic.

China National Bureau of Statistics released a number showing that in the second quarter of 2022, China's GDP (GDP) increased by only 0.4%year -on -year, which was the slowest quarterly growth rate since the first quarter of 2020; in addition, in 2022, in 2022In the first half of the year, the national catering revenue was 2000,4 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 7.7%; after the per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents in the country was deducted from price factors, it also actually decreased by 0.9%.

How to revitalize the economy and enhance consumer confidence is now an imminent realistic problem.The popularity of the Internet celebrity shop and the crazy consumption under hunger marketing seem to bring vitality to the economic economy, but the market rules have fully proved that this is not a long -term plan.

Tea Yanyue color is not the first one, and it will never be the last popular online red shop. In the marketing era created by social media, the concept of the Internet Red Store itself will endlessly, butEach protagonist will only be famous for a while ".

Tea Yanyue has a popular "Human Fireworks", which removes the iconic cream top, and it becomes the "fireworks are easy to be cold" that few people ask.