China Internet information office information office office office office office office office office office office office office RoomIt is said that the supervisor will urge Didi Company to do the corresponding rectification work to eliminate hidden dangers of safety risks.

According to the China Network, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held the "China Ten Years" series theme press conference on the morning of Friday (August 19).

Sun Weimin, the director of the Network Security Coordination Bureau of the Network Information Office, said at the press conference that in July last year, in order to prevent national data security risks, safeguard national security, and protect public interests, in accordance with the National Security Law and Cyber Security Law,The Cyber Security Examination Office has implemented cyber security censorship on Didi Chuxing in accordance with the method of cyber security censorship.

Sun Weimin said that in the next step, the Central Network Information Office will guide the supervisor of Didi to effectively rectify the corresponding rectification work to eliminate hidden dangers of safety risks.

Sun Weimin said that the Internet Information Office will increase law enforcement in the fields of network security, data security, personal information protection, and dispose of illegal acts such as national cybersecurity, data security, and citizens' personal information.Effectively protect the national network security, data security and social public interests, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

Didi was listed in New York last June. At the same time, it was pressured by the security departments and regulators of China and the United States. The market value once shrunk by 80 %.Chinese officials immediately strengthened supervision of the technology industry.

The Internet Information Office announced on July 21 this year that Didi violated the personal information protection law of the Data Security Law of the Network Security Law "clear facts, conclusive evidence, serious plot, and bad nature".RMB 100 million (S $ 1.65 billion) was fined.Some analysts believe that this fine beyond the market expectations marks the official investigation of Didi for one year.