Niu Yi, deputy director of the China National Network Information Office, said that it will adhere to the promotion of development and regulatory standards in parallel, policy guidance and management in accordance with the law, social benefits and economic benefits, explore innovative regulatory standardsThe model is to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of Internet companies and entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and effectively create a strong atmosphere of healthy and entrepreneurship.

(Beijing Comprehensive News) The China National Network Information Office said that it will continue to care about supporting the healthy development of Internet companies, bigger and stronger, and hope to build a "pro -government and business relationship" with enterprises.This is the latest expression of the development of the industry since the Chinese government has continuously tightened the control of Internet companies in recent years.

Comprehensive China News Service and Reuters reported that Niu Yibing, deputy director of the China National Network Information Office, said at the press conference on Friday (August 19) that the Central Cyber Information Office will strengthen government -enterprise docking and exchanges, strengthen the policy of benefiting enterprise policies,Coordinate and coordinate, strengthen policy propaganda and public opinion guidance, further improve the contact communication mechanism with enterprises, and vigorously support enterprises to participate in major projects and major projects for participating in the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" online information planning.

He said that the Central Network Information Office will adhere to the promotion of development and regulatory norms in parallel, policy guidance and management in accordance with the law, and the emphasis on social benefits and economic benefits.Effectively create a strong atmosphere of healthy upward and officers entrepreneurship.

After the Chinese regulatory agency stopped the Ant Group's first public offering (IPO) in November 2020, it officially launched a series of rectification actions for domestic Internet companies.These regulatory measures have formulated new market rules for the Chinese Internet industry, but it has also evaporated the market value of these companies by billions of dollars (about US $ 100 million or new yuan).

Under the pressure of supervision, Chinese Internet companies have performed cautiously in recent years. Many companies including Alibaba Group and Tencent Holdings have cut new investment this year and laid off thousands of people.

Supervisory Didi correction work eliminates hidden dangers of safety risks

The Chinese online car giant Didi is one of the main targets of the regulatory agency rectification. After a year of investigation, Chinese officials have issued problems such as Data Security Law that violates the Network Security Law.A fine of RMB 8.026 billion (S $ 1.652 billion).

Sun Weimin, director of the Cyber Security Coordination Bureau of the Central Internet Information Office, said at the press conference on Friday that it would guide the supervision of Didi Company to do a good job of rectification work and eliminate hidden dangers of security risks.

Sun Weimin also said that the Internet Information Office will increase law enforcement in the fields of network security, data security, personal information protection, and deal with illegal acts that endanger national network security, data security, and infringe on personal information of citizens.National network security, data security and public interests.

For Chinese Internet companies that intend to "go to sea", the network security review methods that have been implemented in February this year are another red line they are facing.Before listing, safety censorship must be accepted.

Sun Weimin said on Friday that since the amendment of the above -mentioned decree this February this year, as of now, more than 20 companies have planned to go to foreign listed companies to report to the National Cyberspace Examination Office.