China China China China China China China China China Maximum Freshwater Lake PuyangLake on Friday (August 19) entered the low -withered period in advance, setting a record in the early 71 years since the downturn.

China News Agency quoted the Jiangxi Provincial Hydrological Monitoring Center reported that at 4 am on the 19th, the water level of Xingzi Station of Poyang Lake Station was retired to 9.99 meters.Entering the low -drying period, following the earliest low -water period (below 12 meters) on August 6, Poyang Lake once again refreshed the record of the earliest entering low water period (below 10 meters).

Data show that due to the common high temperature and rain and rain, the water level of Poyang Lake fell rapidly, and it entered the low water period in advance on August 6.At 4 am on August 19th, the water level of Xingzi Station of Poyang Lake retreated to 9.99 meters, entering the low -drying period in advance, from 12 meters to 10 meters, only 13 days.Since June 23, the water level of Xingzi Station of Poyang Lake has dropped by 9.44 meters within 57 days, with an average daily regression of 0.17 meters, and a maximum of 0.33 meters per day (August 5).

The Jiangxi Provincial Hydrological Monitoring Center said that in 2022, it became the earliest year since the record in the low -withered period since the record was 40 days earlier than the earliest year (September 28, 2006), which is from 1951 toThe average time in 2002 was 105 days in advance, and the average time was 78 days in advance from 2003 to 2021.

According to meteorological predictions, Jiangxi Province will still focus on high temperature and rainy weather in the next week. In addition, the water level in Poyang Lake will continue to decline.The Jiangxi Water Resources Department recommends that the rapid decline in the water level of Poyang Lake has a serious impact on the living and production ecology of the lake area, and do a good job of water management and drought -resistance.