Shandong disasters occurred in Shandong County, Xining County, Qinghai, causing 23 people to be killed, and eight people still lost contact.NotThe news quoted the latest news from the headquarters in front of the flood disaster in Chase County that the rescue discovered and confirmed that the five lost people were killed.NotAt 8 pm on Friday (August 19), the flood disaster had caused 23 people to be killed, eight people lost contact, and 23 other lost contacts were rescued. The search and rescue work was still ongoing.NotAccording to the Qinghai Daily, as of Friday, the local area has been transferred to 3104 people, and 320 people have organized 320 people to carry out riverside protection to the 152 river channels in Datong County overnight to prevent the disaster again.NotThe Health and Health Commission at all levels leads to treat the wounded. Two of the 16 minor injuries who have been treated are discharged from the hospital. At the same time, the testing points have been set up to normalize the rescue personnel, transfer resettlement personnel and headquarters.Epidemic prevention teams start the environment to eliminate killing and strictly prevent the epidemic.NotIt is also mentioned that Qinghai Province will continue to increase search and rescue efforts, further strengthen analysis and judgment, continue to conduct investigating hidden dangers of geological disasters to prevent secondary disasters from occurring;EssenceNotAt 10:25 pm on the 17th, Datong County's instantly rainfall triggered the floods, causing the river to dhost. There were 6,245 people in 1517 households in six towns and six villages affected.