(Sydney French Xindian) Solomon Islands on Thursday (August 18) announced that it will reach a "historic financial partnership relationship" with China. The country will receive a loan of $ 66 million (S $ 91.6 million) from China,It is used to fund science and technology giants Huawei to build a 161 telecommunications tower in this Pacific country.

According to Agence France -Presse, this is the first loan issued by the Beijing official in the Solomon Islands with Taiwan's broken diplomatic relations in 2019 and signed a secret bilateral security agreement in April this year.

The Solomon Islands government issued a statement to summarize the loan as a historic financial partnership established with China, and said that the two countries will work closely to ensure the successful implementation and operation of the project.


Solomon government also mentioned that according to the terms of transaction, China Import and Export Bank will provide a 20 -year preferential loan for the Solomon Islands, which will fund Huawei to build these 161 telecom towers in full.

Solomon officially predicts that nearly half of the tower will be completed before the Pacific Island Games will be held in November 2023.With these telecommunications towers, the Solomon Islands, especially in rural areas, can watch the game even if they cannot come to the capital Honiala.

The Solomon Islands and China's increasingly close financial and security ties have attracted the attention of the United States and its allies.

Western officials have speculated that China may use the security agreement signed by the country to establish a military base in the country.But the Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogovre has repeatedly denied the statement.

Sogvarre has proposed the constitutional amendment earlier this month that the national election that will be held before September 2023 will be postponed to the Pacific Island Games. The reason is that it is difficult for the country to take these two activities at the same time.But the opposition leader accused this of Sagara's excuse.

If Sogvarre successfully extended the election, the Solomon Islands will not be held in 2024.This will be the first election since the country broke out on a large -scale anti -Sogorara riot last year.After that riots, Sogovre and Beijing signed a bilateral security agreement. According to the leaked draft, the agreement will allow Chinese security forces to enter the Solomon Islands to calm riots.