Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that in the face of the world's deserved power dominance, China and Africa stand upside down to jointly defend international fairness and justice.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi delivered the above speech on Thursday (August 18) in Beijing to host the results of the results of the 8th Ministerial Meeting of the China -Africa Cooperation Forum in Beijing.Essence

He said that China praises African countries to firmly pursue a Chinese principle and support China's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity in maintaining the country.China also preside over Africa in multilateral occasions, such as the United Nations, and positive justice, opposing any unreasonable interference in Africa and unilateral sanctions.

He pointed out that the unity and cooperation between China and Africa has become the backbone of the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, the backbone of the UN Charter's purpose, and the backbone of maintaining multilateralism and international fairness and justice.

Wang Yi emphasized that China will continue to practice the true and sincere concept and correct concept of justice proposed by President Xi Jinping.Take your own way and firmly support the joint self -improvement of African countries.China supports the African Union to join the Group of 20, support Uganda to handle a high -level meeting of the new "unclear movement movement" next year.The Chinese family legitimate rights and interests.

Talking about China -Africa relations, Wang Yi said that the results of China -Africa cooperation are not easy, and the prospects are expected.China -Africa cooperation is good, global development has more new kinetic energy, and the world's stability has more positive energy, and there are more new hope for the people of all countries.China firmly believes that China -Africa's friendship can stand the test and hold the wind and waves, and will definitely continue to become a model for the backbone of South -South cooperation and international relations.

He emphasized that the Chinese side insists on opening up and win -win, promoting the healthy development of international and African cooperation, welcomes the international community to continue to care and support Africa, and is also willing to carry out three or multi -party cooperation in Africa under the premise of African brothers.What Africa needs is a peaceful and friendly cooperation environment, not the Cold War thinking of losing me.Africa welcomes the mutual benefit cooperation of the people, not a major game of geopolitical power.

Wang Yi said that the China -Africa Cooperation Forum has gone through more than 20 years of development, and has played an active role in leading international in the correct direction of Africa.Under the new situation, China is willing to work with African friends to continue to promote the construction of the forum mechanism and jointly polish this golden sign.China will actively consider the mechanism of coordinating the results of the forum meeting to implement the coordination of the people's meeting, promote more resources to tilt towards Africa, and make the China -Africa cooperation forums continue to become the flag and benchmark for Africa.

Wang Yi emphasized that China's promotion of non -cooperative work is completely from the need for Africa, not seeking the scope of power, not engaged in geopolitical competition, and no private interest.China is willing to enhance the independent development capabilities of African countries through China -Africa cooperation and allow the African people to live a better life.