The chairman of the Kuomintang of Taiwan, Zhu Lilun, said on Wednesday (July 26) to meet with the Director of the Liberal Democratic Party ’s Democratic News Division, the head of the Division of the Division of the Broadcasting Division, and said that the Kuomintang will be based on the existing good basis, with JapanThe government continues to deepen the substantial cooperative relationship between Taiwan and Japan, and work together to promote peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo -Pacific region.Jiang Wanan, the mayor of the Kuomintang Taipei, said that the fate of the Liberal Democratic Party ’s Youth Bureau and the National Salvation Mission starts from his grandfather and the former Chiang Chingguo of Taiwan, and the two sides have deep friendship.

According to the United Daily report, Zhu Lilun, Jiang Wanan and others, and Suzuki Xinyou, as well as the deputy representative of the Japanese Taiwan Communication Association and the director of the outdoor room, Yumi Lunzo, the two parties on Taiwan -Japan relations, Taiwan political conditions and other issuesExchange opinions extensively.

Zhu Lilun said that Taiwan and Japan have close cooperation in all aspects. Taiwan and Japan share core values such as democracy, freedom, human rights, and rule of law.On the basis of existing good, the Kuomintang will continue to deepen the Japanese government's friendly and substantial cooperative relationship with the Japanese government, and work together to promote peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo -Pacific region.It is believed that the visit to the delegation will consolidate the friendship between the two parties and can co -find the well -being of the people of the two sides.

Zhu Lilun emphasized that Suzuki Xinyou has long been concerned about Taiwan -Japan relations to support Taiwan, and maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait has long become the consensus between the two parties and the people.Continue to promote Taiwan -Japan friendship.The Kuomintang attaches great importance to the friendship with Japan regardless of whether it is governing or in the wild, and hopes that the two parties will maintain long -term close exchanges and cooperation and continue to implement the free and democratic value of shared.At the same time, Zhu Lilun also mentioned that Hono, a member of the MP who had been dismissed to cancel his plan to visit Taiwan a few days ago, and believed that there must be a lot of opportunities to communicate in the future.

Jiang Wanan said that the fate of the Liberal Democratic Party and the National Salvation Mission starts from his grandfather Jiang Jingguo, and has deep friendship.He also mentioned that the mayor of Taipei is now running for the mayor of Taipei. He hopes that in the future, there will be closer exchanges between Taipei City and major cities such as Tokyo in the future.

Jiang Wanan and Suzuki Xinyou are old consciousness. Jiang Yu also expressed that he hoped that he could have the opportunity to fulfill his agreement with Suzuki in the past.