Jingqiang Xinyun

The incident of the Nanjing Xuanzang Temple worshiped the tablet of Japanese war criminals, and recently made a lot of trouble in Chinese social media.In addition to the worshipers Wu Aiping, the abbot of Xuanzang Temple also entered the public's attention.

On the 22nd of this month, Nanjing officially issued a handling of incidents. In addition to several officials in charge of national and religious affairs, the fax of Xuanzang Temple's main person in charge was also replaced.

The common name of the fax is Li Yingjun.Public information shows that he was born in 1968 and is a native of Yingshang County, Anhui.In the late 1980s, Li Yi will shave at Qixia Temple in Nanjing and become one of the few monks with high school culture in the temple.

Fax was later admitted to the Department of History of Nanjing University. He was a monk who entered ordinary universities earlier after China's reform and opening up.The aura of college graduates on the top of the head, fax starting from an ordinary monk, stepped on the abbot step by step, and also put on the title of member of the Nanjing CPPCC and vice chairman of the Nanjing Buddhist Association.

Like Shi Yongxin, fax is also very business.He is widely involved and is a veritable "cross -border monk".

After the Chinese media incident in Xuanzang Temple, the business landscape behind fax.According to reports, there are six companies related to him, involving pension, tourism, cultural exchanges, film and television production, Buddhist supplies and other fields.He also participated in the production of patriotic theme films such as Qixia Temple 1937 Sanzang Tower 1942 and served as screenwriters and producers.

The monk was also exposed to the platform for a newly opened beauty salon, and sipped consumers to get a card.This video has recently spread on social media. Fax wearing a puppet attended the opening event. He claimed to be almost 60 years old on the stage. He was as beautiful as female stars. It was because of the beauty card of this shop. The video was immediately online.Caused a lot.

The monk not only shuttled in the mall, but also the "celebrities" in Nanjing's officialdom.

In 2015, the Southern Weekend published an article entitled abbot's circle of friends.The story of the contact with Nanjing's high -dried contact with Nanjing reveals the mysterious veil of the officials of the horse, reflecting the ecology of the corruption and superstition of the officialdom.The article has been re -turned recently. At the interview, the fax was high -profile "show" his official circle of friends, and the outside world also spy on the side of the monk in the political dojo.

It is reported that the guest room of the fax is full of group photos with leaders at all levels. There are local members and central leaders.He knows the way to associate with the people in the officialdom, and has a deep friendship with the high -ranking Nanjing high -ranking Nanjing, including Yang Weize, the former secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Ji Jianye, the former mayor.Before Yang Weize dismissed, he went to the temple to worship with the accompaniment of the fax.The fax also gave Ji Jianye a shoe pull, which means "promotion".It's just that the irony is that the next day, Ji Jianye had an accident.

Fax is doing business in a puppet, around the sources of the monks and customs, and his unusual official connection, which once again triggers public opinion to pay attention to Buddhism.

In fact, there are controversial incidents in the Chinese Buddhist community in recent years.In 2018, the anti -sexual assault exercise #Metoo (Mi Rabbit, also translated "I am") blows to China, and Beijing Longquan Temple, known as the "Xueba Temple", was exposed to a amazing scandal.Shi Xuecheng, then president of the Chinese Buddhist Association, was accused of controlling and sexually assaulting multiple monks disciples for various means of spiritual control and sexual assault.

The reporter also revealed the problems of illegal construction in Longquan Temple and the unknown of the huge amount of funds.Although the official investigation did not confirm the problem of sexual assault, Shi Xuecheng sent harassment information, which was true that violating the Buddhist precepts.

Many times on the cusp of public opinion are also the Shaolin Temple Fang Shi Yongxin.He has been caught many times such as "抓", "raising the girls in Peking University", and "illegitimate daughter" and other scandals, but these rumors have not been left later.

In addition to weathering, the phenomenon of commercialization of Buddhism has long been public in the Chinese Buddhist community.Shaolin Temple speculators, Putuo Mountain listing, abbot as CEOs, and monks online for live broadcast. In addition to tickets and incense money, the monks also made other various businesses.No wonder some people say that the Buddhist gate has become a dojo of some people, and the "poor monk" is no longer poor.

Commercialization, on the one hand, is the needs of the temple's own operation, and on the other hand, it is also related to the secularization and utilitarization of Buddhism in China.The religious world has a copper odor, and even the problems such as the wind and the wind, the corruption and wealth, and other problems. There are reasons such as the relaxation of the commandments.The power of capital is not far away.

In addition, under the special system of China, religion must be attached to power.Religion must be prosperous in China, and the blessing of power is needed. In this environment, some unscrupulous monks are happy to "blend water and milk" with officials; many temples are also happy to cooperate with local governments.Cultural tourism services and religious activities create revenue for local fiscal.The monk goes closer and the politics. There are so many faces and faces with so many faces and officials. It is not difficult to understand.

The monks frequently shuttle in the business and politics, and are busy taking care of business and walking around the officialdom.