After eight years of declaration, the airport of Wanzhou, the second largest city in Chongqing, has recently been approved to become the second open air port in Shancheng, which will be upgraded into an international airport.Scholars of interviewees said that the hinterland of the Three Gorges Reservoir area in northeast Chongqing recently reported good news in traffic, which shows that the official is continuously increasing policy efforts to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation.

Scholars also believe that as the current epidemic prevention measures are gradually loosened, at this time, the Wanzhou Airport is upgraded into an international airport, which may be the official in order to increase the opening of the opening to the outside world in order to further boost the regional economy.

The official website of the State Port Management Office of China Customs Department released news on Friday (July 22). Wanzhou Airport was approved by the State Council and agreed to the public to become the second open air port in Chongqing.

This is also after the opening of the Zhengyu high -speed railway in late June this year, the hinterland "Wan Kaiyun" (Wanzhou District, Kaizhou District, Yunyang County) in the Northeast Three Gorges District of Chongqing once again ushered in good news.

Chongqing released the official document of Wan Kaiyun's same urbanization in July last year. The goal of 2025 was formed in the urban area with Wanzhou as the core and Kaizhou and Yunyang as the pole.In the same, 57.5 billion yuan for S $ 26 million), accounting for more than half of the GDP in the Northeast of Chongqing.

Qiu Dongyang, director of the MBA Center of Chongqing Institute of Technology, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that China has not only deployed economic growth poles in Chengdu -Chongqing region, but also promotes coordinated development by organizing groups in second- and third -tier cities around the pole.

The sharp upgrade of Wanzhou Airport has already been found to find it

He pointed out that although the fiscal investment at the upgrade of Wanzhou Airport may be able to return the book after many years, it is conducive to stimulating the development of Wan Kaiyun and release of regional vitality;helpful.

Wanzhou Airport will have been upgraded significantly.According to the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" of Chongqing Civil Aviation Development released in mid -December last year, Wanzhou Airport will invest 1.4 billion yuan to extend the runway and expand the terminal, and study a new round of reconstruction and expansion projects.

According to Chongqing official media, Wanzhou Airport launched the application for opening up in June 2014. It will be temporarily opened in April of the following year, and it is locally opened to Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Cambodia and other places.

After the official upgrade has become an international airport, the country, region and routes that are navigable to Wanzhou Airport are expected to increase, improving the convenience of passengers in and out of Chongqing Northeast Chongqing.The airport is currently navigating with 29 cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Scholars: Airport upgrade will drive the overall upgrade of the local industry

Wang Xiumo, a professor at Chongqing University of Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technology, pointed out that the upgrade of Wanzhou Airport will break the relatively closed state of the Three Gorges Reservoir area in the past. "(In the past)) International Airport will definitely be more open. "

He believes that it has been controversial for many years since the establishment of a reservoir for the Three Gorges, but it also has high scientific research value; expansion of opening up is conducive to the use of international forces to enhance research on local climate change, water resources, and water organisms.

Wang Xiumo also expects that the airport upgrade will drive the overall upgrade of the local industry. It can also use external forces such as China -New projects to introduce more technologies, funds, and talents.

Qiu Dongyang pointed out that Wanzhou has a long way to go to build an international airport in the future. The reason is that the number of local domestic flights is not sufficient, the surrounding population is not large, and the shipments are less. "It is foreseeable that the difficulty in the future is still quite large."According to the data released by the Chongqing Municipal Transportation Bureau, the passenger throughput of Wanzhou Airport in the first half of this year was only 350,000, and the cargo and postal throughput was more than 487 tons.

On the other hand, Wang Xiumian expects that the pace of construction of Chongzhou New Airport may slow down due to the upgrading of Wanzhou Airport, because the official may give priority to fiscal resources to Wanzhou.