International luxury brand Dior(Dior) A skirt launched by Chinese was previously pointed out by the Chinese netizen to plagiarize the Hanfu horse -noodle skirt.A woman in Hangzhou, Zhejiang recently wearing a horse -faced skirt was shot in Dior's shop, and was stopped by the staff twice.The woman emphasized that it was not for the hype, but to speak in this way, hoping that Dior would respect the traditional Chinese culture.

According to the China Economic Weekly report, according to the woman, she stayed in Dior's store for five minutes, took two stages of videos, a total of 48 seconds, and then invited the staff to the shop. After that, she was in the shop.At the door of the door, the staff of the mall came to inform the shooting that it was not allowed to shoot. The reason was that all the shooting required to obtain the mall permit. The communication between the two parties was invalid and the shooting was over.

For this shooting behavior, the woman said that her shooting was not as commercially useful. Because I saw the Dior's "horse noodle skirt" incident before, I wanted to speak in this way: the horse noodle skirt was in China.Traditional costumes do not want Dior to disrespect like this.

The woman also said that she is not for hype, if she is to gain traffic, I believe that it will not be the turn to shoot this for so long.She hopes that everyone pays more attention to this matter, not her.

For this move, some netizens leave a message to support women's behavior, and ask Dior to stop cultural misappropriation and respect traditional Chinese culture.

But some netizens questioned that women were to get hot spots and obtain traffic.

A black wool and horse -haired blending fabric skirt launched by Dior was pointed out by the Chinese netizen."Dior copied the horse -made skirt" caused heated discussions, and once rushed on Weibo to search.

The Chinese Official Media People's Daily subsequently published a comment article saying that the related design of Dior caused the anger and puzzlement of netizens to be understood, and it is also worthy of Dior.The article also said that the international community attaches great importance to copyright protection. Whether Dior's storm involves copyright protection should also cause a professional discussion and use the incident as the entry point to clarify the border of plagiarism and reference, reference and "tribute".

As of now, Dior has not responded to the matter, but the official website of Dior China has been unable to search for this skirt. On the official website of Dior Overseas, this half -body skirt is still selling.The product description has not been modified.