When China and the United States have a new friction around the Taiwan issue, Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that US President Biden will talk to Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday (July 28).

According to reports, US officials emphasized that the call is a movement of the Bayeng government to continue to maintain an open communication channel to ensure that the United States and China will not have accidental conflicts.

The US National Security Council spokesman Kobe said on Tuesday (26th) that calling will include a strong agenda, but tariffs are unlikely to become one of the issues.He said that Biden and Xi Jinping will discuss the tension between the Taiwan Strait and how to manage the competition between the two major economies of the United States and China.

Kobe also said that Pelosi lives in the second place in the U.S. alternate president, second only to Vice President Harris, so she visits abroad to US national security.But he emphasized that only she can decide by her own visits.

The Financial Times reported last Tuesday (19th) that Pelosi, who is the third figure in the American politics, plans to visit Taiwan in August, and will be the highest -level American dignitaries visiting Taiwan for 25 years.

However, according to Bloomberg News on Tuesday, people familiar with the matter revealed that Perlus's trip to Asia in early August included Taiwan's not decided. If she really visited Taiwan, she should call on Biden and Xi Jinping.A few days later.

Bynden told the media on Wednesday (20th) that he expected to talk to Xi Jinping in the next 10 days, but the White House reported the results of the test results of Bayeng crown disease the next day.When Biden attended a meeting on Monday (25th), he expected that he could restore his work in an all -round way this week and hoped to talk to Xi Jinping as planned this week.

Pelosi's visit to Taiwan plans to further upgrade the US Central Plains' tense relationship.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, emphasized at a regular press conference on Monday: "We are waiting for it. If the United States is intended, China will take firm and powerful measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.All serious consequences caused by this are responsible for the United States. "

The Chinese Ministry of Defense followed up on Tuesday that China requires that the United States must not arrange Perosi to visit Taiwan, otherwise" the Chinese army will never sit at the sight. "This is the first time that Perlis's news of the news of visiting Taiwan in August, the Chinese military responded for the first time.

It is reported that the U.S. military is formulating the plan to protect the delegation of Perlus's visit to Taiwan, including considering sending aircraft carriers or fighters for close -range air support, but it is worried that the above practice may be interpreted by Beijing as provocative moves.Essence

Hu Xi, the former editor -in -chief of Global Times, warned on Weibo that if the United States and Taiwan have confrontation with mainland China because of the visit of Perosi, the risk of a gunfire during the period is higher than ever.

In recent years, US politicians have visited Taiwan in recent years, including Congress and at least two members of the former Trump administration, former defense ministers Esper and former Secretary of State Pompeo.