Chinese officials said after meeting the Indonesian President Zoko that China fully supported Indonesia to host the G20 leader Bali Island Summit, and was willing to strengthen coordination and ensure the success of the summit.The two parties issued a joint statement after the meeting and signed cooperation documents including the promotion of the “Belt and Road” initiative, as well as vaccine, green development and marine fields.

Chinese official and Prime Minister Li Keqiang on Tuesday (July 26) met with Indonesian President Zoko, who visited in Beijing.Interviewed scholars analyzed that Indonesia served as the Chairman of the G20 (G20) of the 20th Group this year. It is the target of Sino -US competition. Zoko was invited to visit China.Whether to attend the G20 summit is worth observing.

Comprehensive China CCTV News and International Media reports, Zoko arrived in Beijing at the official invitation of Chinese officials on Monday (25th), and met with Chinese officials and Li Keqiang at the Diaoyutai State Guest Hotel the next afternoon.

Chinese officials said during the meeting that Zoko was the first foreign head of the Chinese reception after the Beijing Winter Olympics, which fully reflected the high attention of the two parties to the development of Indonesia's relations.

Chinese officials said that China fully supports Indonesia's hosting to hold the G20 leader Bali Island Summit, and is willing to strengthen coordination with Indonesia to ensure that the summit has achieved a complete success.China will also fully support Indonesia to be the chairman of the Asia fine -torch value next year. Indonesia is welcome to continue to actively participate in the "BRICS+" cooperation, appreciate Indonesia's support and attach importance to global development initiative and global security initiative. It is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with Indonesia.

invited Zoko to attend the G20 Summit. Chinese officials have not determined whether to be invited

According to the press release issued by the Office of Zoko, Zoko described it to China that China is a comprehensive strategic partner of Indonesia. "We need to inject it in this partnership to inject it to our country, at the same time to regional and the world, which is beneficial to the region and the world.Cooperation. "

News from Indonesia also shows that Zoko officially invited Chinese officials to attend the G20 summit held in Bali in November, but Chinese officials did not determine whether they were invited.

The press release of the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs mentioned that the two sides also exchanged opinions on issues such as the Ukraine crisis, and believed that the international community should create conditions for persuasion and talk, and play a constructive role for the ease of the Ukrainian situation and stabilizing the global economic order.

After the two parties, the two sides issued a joint press statement of the heads of state of the two countries, and signed a memorandum of understanding of cooperation on joint promotion of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the "Global Marine fulcrum" concept.Cooperation files.

China and India also agreed to let China -India's Jakarta -Vanlon high -speed railway "on time" and completed with high quality.

The Yawan high -speed rail jointly built in China and India is the iconic project of China -India cooperation under the “Belt and Road” initiative. However, since the start of 2016, it has experienced many delays and just started to laid the rail in July this year.Indonesia is striving for trial operation during the G20 during November.

The press release issued by the website of the Indonesian Cabinet Secretariat at Zoko and Li Keqiang showed that China promised to import another 1 million tons of Indonesian palm oil, and give priority to other agricultural products in Indonesia, as well as improving the North Camanan Industrial Park.Cooperation and so on.

Scholars: At this time, invites Saito to visit China as a reconstruction of China -US buffer indicators

For the regional political significance of Zoko's visit to China, Song Wendi, a lecturer of the Australian National University Asia -Pacific College, interpreted in an interview with the United Morning Post. For China and the United StatesIn this area, it is necessary to fight for "franchise", not the territory, and Indonesia is a large Southeast Asian country worthy of winning.

Therefore, he believes that China at this time with inviting President Indonesia as a breakthrough point can not only deepen the relationship between Indonesia and China, but also an important indicator for Beijing to fight for international discourse, rebuild the niece of China and the United States, and reduce ideology.Essence

According to Bloomberg report, Zoko also invited Chinese officials to attend the G20 summit. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement that Chinese officials thanked Indonesia for invitation, but did not mention whether he would participate.

Wang Yili, a lecturer at the EU "Jean Moane" and the director of the EU Research Center of Renmin University of China, analyzed the outbreak of the crown disease.Foreign heads of state not only reflected the close relations between China and the Asianianan country, but also means that China has gradually opened up after the epidemic.

He believes that the G20 Summit and the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) Summit will be held in November. It is of great significance to visit abroad.

Professor Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Taiwan Chengcheng University, pointed out that the 20th time of the Communist Party of China has not yet been determined.According to past experience, time may be close to the G20 summit held in November. Whether Chinese officials will visit will be observed.

However, Wang Hongren believes that China and India may use this head of state to understand the concerns of each other at the G20 summit. In the end, if the summit can meet the needs of all parties, it will not only increase China and the United States' trust in Indonesia.It is also expected to enhance Indonesia's position in the region.

Song Wendi also mentioned that since Indonesia is the host of the G20, it is also influential to the agenda settings.If you can use this head of state to promote the joint bulletin or declaration after the G20 meeting, there are more content that emphasizes multilateral cooperation to promote the economic recovery and public health cooperation after the epidemic, which is added to China.