In the second quarter of this year, the entry and exit personnel of this year reached 3.22.93 million, an increase of 5.64%month -on -month.

According to the China News Agency, Zhang Ning, spokesman of the National Immigration Administration and deputy director of the General Department of General Department of General Department of Comprehensive, reported on Tuesday (July 26) at the press conference in the second quarter of 2022data.

Zhang Ning introduced that the Chinese National Immigration Management Institution inspected 2.21 million transportation (ships, columns, vehicles) of 2.21 million transportation tools in the second quarter of this year.The increase of 2.17%, an increase of 41%year -on -year before the crown disease epidemic in 2019; a total of 214,000 ordinary passports issued, an increase of 41.8%month -on -month; 1.0633,000 in the entry and exit documents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, a decrease of 19.1%month -on -month;Chinese foreigners handle 140,000 residence permits, an increase of 49.9%month -on -month.

In response to the crackdown on illegal immigrants, Zhang Ning said that this year's official investigating criminal cases of obstructing countries (borders) management from 6702 cases, 2,100 suspects were arrested, of which criminal compulsory measures were taken 1More than 4,000 people, 7,342 people in administrative investigations such as detention and fines; 1,90,000 foreigners were seized "illegal entry, illegal residence, illegal employment", and repatriated 12,000 people;There are 278 transportation (ships) of transportation; 107 cases of drug cases are checked, of which 38 cases of more than 10,000 grams are seized; 2.41 tons of various drugs are seized and 445.13 tons of drug -making items are seized.Scientific research, study abroad and other matters, or dealing with emergency emergencies, and those who need to go in and out of the country due to other reasons, national immigration management institutions have timely accepted approval of entry and exit documents.It is particularly urgent for the situation, and it also provides a "green channel" for handling permits.

Zhang Ning continued that the China National Immigration Administration will continuously adjust and optimize entry and exit management measures in accordance with the changes in the situation of the epidemic situation, fully protect the needs of the masses to enter and exit, and continue to serve Chinese and foreign personnel exchanges and foreign exchanges and cooperation.