Since mid -July in southern China, it has been burned on high temperature since mid -July. The China Meteorological Administration is expected to have a large range of high temperature weather in the next 10 days.

According to the China News Agency, meteorological monitoring statistics show that since July 15th, Jiangnan, South China and other places in southwestern China have encountered high temperature invasion.value.Among them, 12 stations on July 25 broke through the historical pole value of the month, including the highest temperature of the four sites such as Rongjiang Rongjiang and Cen Gong, Guangdong Wuhua, and Sanming, Fujian broke through the historical pole daily.

It is reported that Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing, Xinjiang South Xinjiang Basin and other regions have recently the highest temperature of 38 to 40 degrees Celsius.In high -temperature raging areas, Fuzhou's maximum temperature exceeded 40 degrees Celsius for three consecutive days from July 22 to 24, and the highest temperature of 41.9 degrees Celsius on the 24th broke the record of the local observation history.

In addition to the south, Xinjiang is also being burned.According to the forecast, Xinjiang's high temperature developed around July 28 to its heyday, and the highest temperature in the Kashgar-Hetian-Tower will exceed 40 degrees Celsius.

China Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the southern region will still have large -scale continuous high temperature weather in the next 10 days. The highest temperature in Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan and other places can reach 40 degrees Celsius or more.In addition, the Xinjiang Basin area, western Inner Mongolia, and western Gansu will also be high -temperature weather.

Meteorological experts remind that the Xinjiang area is mainly dry and sunny, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. Due to the large humidity, the high temperature is mainly high, and the physical temperature will be significantly higher than the reality than the reality.The temperature will be in the "steaming" model all day.