In response to the relocation of the manufacturing industry out of China and the transfer of industrial chain, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China said that although some foreign companies are advancing a diversified layout, overall foreign investment in China has not slowed down.

According to the First Financial Report, "Foreign -funded enterprises withdrew from China", manufacturing out of the manufacturing industry, and the transfer of industrial chain, etc., attracted attention.According to a press conference, the movement of the manufacturing industry and the transfer of the industrial chain are a normal economic phenomenon, and the result of the role of globalization and market mechanism. "Although some foreign companies are promoting a diversified layout, from the general point of view, foreign businessmen are paid to each other.The pace of investment in China has not slowed down. "

Yao Yan quoted the data to explain that from January to May this year, China's actual use of foreign capital was 564.2 billion yuan (S $ 115.76 billion), an increase of 17.3%year-on-year.Reports from the German Chamber of Commerce and the American Chamber of Commerce in China also show that more than 70 % of German -funded enterprises and over 60 % of U.S. -funded companies plan to increase investment in China.The best investment choice ".

He also said that manufacturing is a key area for foreign investment.At present, China's manufacturing industry's aggregation for various resource elements is continuously increasing. From January to May this year, the actual use of foreign capital in high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 32.9%year-on-year.

Yao Yan said that the next step will adhere to the concept of openness, cooperation, unity, and win -win results, expand the high level of opening up in manufacturing, and actively create a fair competition marketization, rule of law, and international business environment.

He also proposed three specific measures. First, he supports foreign investment to increase investment in China, encourage foreign investment to invest in advanced manufacturing, high -tech and other fields, and use "through traffic" and "green channels".The guarantee mechanism supports key foreign -funded projects to accelerate the landing.

Second, encourage Chinese companies to strengthen international cooperation, make excellent and fine international production capacity and equipment manufacturing cooperation projects, and jointly maintain the stable and smooth supply chain of the global industrial chain.

Third, to promote the construction of a manufacturing partnership, improve the dialogue mechanism with the competent industrial and informatization departments of the relevant countries and regions, promote strategies, plan and dock, strengthen rules and standards Unicom, and build the open cooperation of the manufacturing industry to build and cooperate in the manufacturing industry.More communication platforms.

The Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Keqiang also emphasized during the inspection of Fujian on the 7th that the southeast coastal area was the forefront of reform and opening up, and we must continue to dare to try.Regardless of how the international situation changes, China has unswervingly expand opening to the outside world.

He requires to continue to promote reform and development, accelerate the improvement of foreign hubs such as ports, and stabilize foreign trade and stabilize foreign capital. It is also conducive to the international competition and cooperation.The industrial chain supply chain is stable and the world is peaceful and developed.