Tan Ruisong, the former party secretary and chairman of China Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd., are suspected of serious disciplinary violations and are currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced the above news on Friday (August 30).

Public information shows that Tan Ruisong is 62 years old. He was born in Jilin City, Jilin Province, a bachelor's degree in Beijing University of Aeronautics.

Tan Ruisong worked at Harbin Dong'an Automobile Engine Manufacturing Company for a long time. He served as Deputy General Manager of the Second China Air Industry Group from September 2004 to November 2008; from July 2008 to 2012In March, he served as Deputy General Manager of China Aviation Industry Group.From March 2012 to May 2018, Tan Ruisong served as the general manager and deputy secretary of the party group of China Aviation Industry Group, and a director of China Aviation Industry Corporation. In May 2018, he was the chairman of China Aviation Industry Group.

In March of last year, the person in charge of the relevant cadres bureau of the Central Organization Department announced that Tan Ruisong was removed from office, saying that according to the needs of the work, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the central enterprise leaders, it was eliminated from Tan Ruisong's China Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd.Chairman of the company and party secretary of the party group.

In March of last year, Yao Jiangtao, chairman of China Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd., Yao Jiangtao and Wei Yinghui, deputy general manager of AVIC Trust, were investigated.

China Media reports that China Aviation Industry Group is one of the top Chinese military groups in China.Logistics, asset management, finance, engineering construction, automobiles and other industrial sectors.